This package exports a React component that provides a cypher editor using codemirror 6.
You can use this package like the following:
import React from 'react';
import CypherEditor from '@neo4j-cypher/react-codemirror';
const editorProps = {
onValueChanged: value => {}, // optional
onFocusChanged: focused => {}, // optional
onScrollChanged: scrollInfo => {}, // optional
onPositionChanged: ({ line, column, position }) => {}, // optional
initialOptions: {
theme: 'light', // optional, defaults to light
extensions: [ /* override extensions */ ] // optional, defaults to a sensible list of extensions.
initialSchema: { /* ... */ }, // optional, see example in demos
initialValue: 'this is the text to show in the editor',
initialPosition: { row: 2, column: 3}, // optional, rows are 1 based, columns are 0 based
classNames: [], // optional, array of classnames to add to the root dom element.
theme: 'light' // optional, should be light or dark, defaults to light
const MyReactComponent = () => {
return (
<CypherEditor {...editorProps} />