Neo4j Visualization Library
Welcome to NVL (Neo4j Visualization Library). NVL is a collection of libraries that can be used to build custom graph visualizations like Neo4j Bloom. The NVL library is also available as a React component that can be used in React applications.
Consuming the library
Installing the library
You can install the library with your preferred package manager, for example
npm install @neo4j-nvl/base
If you want to add common interactivity to the graph, install the NVL interaction handlers. If you are planning to use NVL in a React app, be sure to check out the NVL React wrappers.
Using the library
This is a basic setup for a NVL instance.
const nodes = [
{ id: '1', label: 'Node 1', color: '#e04141' },
{ id: '2', label: 'Node 2', color: '#e09c41' }
const relationships = [
{ id: '12', from: '1', to: '2' }
const options = {
layout: 'forceDirected',
initialZoom: 0.5
const callbacks = {
onLayoutDone: () => console.log('Layout done')
const nvl = new NVL(document.getElementById('frame'), nodes, relationships, options, callbacks)
You can find more instructions and examples on how to use NVL in the docs.