Next.js Runtime
This package handles the build process and creates the runtime environment for Next.js sites on
Netlify. You should not normally need to install it yourself, as it is used automatically during
builds of Next.js sites. See
the docs for using Next.js on Netlify for
more details.
Next.js is supported natively on Netlify, and in most cases you will not need to install or
configure anything. This repo includes the packages used to support Next.js on Netlify.
- Next.js 13.5 or later
- Node.js 18 or later
- The latest version of the Netlify CLI
If you build on Netlify, the Next.js Runtime will work with no additional configuration.
Manually installing the Next.js Runtime
The Next.js Runtime installs automatically for new Next.js sites on Netlify. You can also install it
manually in the following ways:
From the UI (Recommended)
You can go to the UI and choose
the site to install the Next.js Runtime on. This method is recommended because you will benefit from
auto-upgrades to important fixes and feature updates.
From npm
npm install -D @netlify/plugin-nextjs
...then add the following to your netlify.toml
package = "@netlify/plugin-nextjs"
This method is recommended if you wish to pin the Next.js Runtime to a specific version.
If you are using Next.js 10-13.4 or Node.js < 18, you must use v4 of the Next.js Runtime.
If you are still using v4, you can find
its README here and the
v4 Runtime docs here.
Upgrading from v4 to v5
To upgrade from v4 to v5, please visit
the v5 documentation.
If you think you have found a bug in Next.js on Netlify,
please open an issue. If you have
comments or feature requests,
see the discussion board
Please note that v4 will only receive security fixes and critical bug fixes.