NexeraID Identity SDK
- NexeraID Identity SDK, written in TypeScript.
How to install
$ npm install @nexeraid/identity-sdk
First steps
- You need to provide NexeraID Team with the Web App domain and a Webhook
- You need to provide NexeraID with the required rules
- NexeraID Team will provide to you with an API_KEY and a RULE_ID
How to use
Server app
const response = await fetch('', {
body: JSON.stringify({ publicAddress }),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}`
method: 'POST'
const { accessToken } = await response.json()
const response = await fetch('', {
body: JSON.stringify({
address: input.address,
policyId: `${POLICY_ID}`,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}`
method: 'POST'
const validationResult = await response.json()
Web app
Initialize client
const IDENTITY_CLIENT = new IdentityClient({
const IDENTITY_CLIENT = new IdentityClient();
IDENTITY_CLIENT.onSignMessage(async (data: string) => {
return await signMessageAsync({message: data})
IDENTITY_CLIENT.onSendTransaction(async (data) => {
return await walletClient?.sendTransaction({
account: data.accountAddress as Address,
to: as Address,
data: as Address,
value: data.value ? parseEther(data.value) : parseEther("0"),
const signingMessage = IdentityClient.buildSignatureMessage(address)
const signature = await signMessageAsync({message: signingMessage})
const accessToken = getAccessTokenFromYourServer(address)
await IDENTITY_CLIENT.init({
accessToken: kycAuth.accessToken,
signature: kycAuth.signature,
signingMessage: kycAuth.signingMessage,
On Chain Verification Integration
const isAllowed = await IDENTITY_CLIENT.isUserAllowedForEntrypoint(userAddress);
IDENTITY_CLIENT.onVerification((isAllowed) => {
Third party integrations
Make sure to run the init flow before this
const credentials = await IDENTITY_CLIENT.getStoredCredentials(
{ type: "getCredentials", data: undefined },
Note: the following functions follow the iden3comm standard
auth handles AuthorizationRequestMessage
generates a zk-request for the given inputs and
automatically calls verify endpoint
with zk-proof generated with the wallet
import type { AuthorizationRequestMessage } from "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas";
const authRequest: AuthorizationRequestMessage = {...}
await IDENTITY_CLIENT.polygonIdRequest(
{ type: "auth", authRequest}
credentialRequest ZeroKnowledgeProofRequest
generates a zk-request for the given inputs
import type {ZKPRequest} from "@nexeraprotocol/nexera-id-schemas";
const zkpRequest: ZKPRequest = {...}
await IDENTITY_CLIENT.polygonIdRequest(
{type: "zkp", zkpRequest: zkpRequest}
credentialOffer handles CredentialOffer object in string format:
adds a crdential to the polygon wallet (sent from a third party)
const authRequest:string="{...}"
await IDENTITY_CLIENT.polygonIdRequest(
{ type: "credentialOffer", credentialOfferRequest }
Display Verify/management iframe
Make sure to run the init flow before this
Keep Updated
For the latest changes, see the CHANGELOG.