--log-command, -l | false | Logs the msbuild command that will be executed. |
--targets, -t <list> | Build | Specify Build Targets. |
--configuration, -c <config> | Debug | Specify Build Configuration (Release or Debug). |
--solution-platform, -p <plateform> | AnyCPU | Specify the Solution Platform (e.g. x86, x64, AnyCPU). |
--tools-version, -n <version> | 15.0 | Specify the .NET Tools-Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 12.0, 14.0, 15.0, auto). |
--architecture, -a <arch> | Auto-detected | Specify the Architecture (x86, x64). |
--verbosity, -v <level> | minimal | Specify the amount of information to display in the build output (quiet, minimal, normal, detailed, diagnostic). |
--maxcpucount, -m <cpunb> | 0 | Specify Maximal CPU-Count to use. (-1 : MSBuild Default, 0 : Automatic selection, > 0 : Concrete value). |
--node-reuse, -r <boolean> | true | Specify whether to enable or disable the re-use of MSBuild nodes (true or false). |
--nologo | | Suppress Startup Banner and Copyright Message of MSBuild. |