The core implementation of the Nodl framework.
Getting Started
# Using NPM
npm install @nodl/core
# Using Yarn
yarn add @nodl/core
# Using Bun
bun install @nodl/core
Nodes are units that consists of inputs and outputs. They're conceptually very similar to functions, with the difference that outputs may be multiple, compared to a function's single return value.
An Addition Node may for instance have two inputs and a single output, which computes the sum of the inputs.
import { z } from 'zod';
import { Node, Input, Output } from '@nodl/core';
import { combineLatest, map } from 'rxjs';
const NumberSchema = z.number();
class Addition extends Node {
inputs = {
a: new Input({ name: 'A', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 }),
b: new Input({ name: 'B', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 })
outputs = {
output: new Output({
name: 'Output',
type: NumberSchema,
observable: combineLatest([this.inputs.a, this.inputs.b]).pipe(
map(inputs => inputs.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value), 0)
import { z } from 'zod';
import { Node, Input, Output } from '@nodl/core';
import { combineLatest, map } from 'rxjs';
const NumberSchema = z.number();
class Addition extends Node {
inputs = {
a: new Input({ name: 'A', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 }),
b: new Input({ name: 'B', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 })
outputs = {
output: new Output({
name: 'Output',
type: NumberSchema,
observable: combineLatest([this.inputs.a, this.inputs.b]).pipe(
map(inputs => inputs.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value), 0)
const additionNode1 = new Addition();
const additionNode2 = new Addition();
const additionNode3 = new Addition();