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0.25.0 (2024-03-11)


  • Internal as a macro (
  • reserve unchecked keyword (#4432)
  • Remove empty value from bounded vec (#4431)
  • Ban Fields in for loop indices and bitwise ops (#4376)
  • Bump msrv to 1.73.0 (#4406)
  • ci: Bump MSRV to 1.72.1 and enforce that ACVM can be published using updated lockfile (#4385)
  • Restrict bit sizes (#4235)
  • move noir out of yarn-project (
  • note type ids (


  • Add eddsa_poseidon_to_pub function to stdlib with test + docs (#4473) (00d2c32)
  • Add HashMap to the stdlib (#4242) (650ffc5)
  • Add option to set max memory for bb.js (#4227) (8a6b131)
  • Add overflow and underflow checks for unsigned integers in brillig (#4445) (21fc4b8)
  • Add poseidon2 opcode implementation for acvm/brillig, and Noir (#4398) (10e8292)
  • Added cast opcode and cast calldata ( (78ef013)
  • Allow type aliases to reference other aliases (#4353) (c44ef14)
  • Backpropagate constants in ACIR during optimization (#3926) (aad0da0)
  • ci: Use wasm-opt when compiling wasm packages (#4334) (e382921)
  • DAP Preflight and debugger compilation options (#4185) (e0ad0b2)
  • Expose separate functions to compile programs vs contracts in noir_wasm (#4413) (7cd5fdb)
  • Internal as a macro ( (5f57ebb)
  • Note type ids ( (78ef013)
  • Restrict bit sizes (#4235) (1048f81)
  • Run tests in parallel in nargo test (#4484) (761734e)
  • Skip redundant range checks in brillig (#4460) (cb4c1c5)
  • Sync from aztec-packages (#4483) (fe8f277)
  • Track stack frames and their variables in the debugger (#4188) (ae1a9d9)
  • TypeVariableKind for just Integers (#4118) (c956be8)
  • Update error message when trying to load workspace as dependency (#4393) (d2585e7)

Bug Fixes

  • acir: Array dynamic flatten (#4351) (b2aaeab)
  • acir: Use types on dynamic arrays (#4364) (ba2c541)
  • Add follow_bindings to follow Type::Alias links (#4521) (b94adb9)
  • Add handling to noir_wasm for projects without dependencies (#4344) (4982251)
  • Allow type aliases in main (#4505) (8a5359c)
  • Ban Fields in for loop indices and bitwise ops (#4376) (601fd9a)
  • Brillig range check with consistent bit size (#4357) (ea47d4a)
  • Build noir_codegen when publishing (#4448) (cb1ceee)
  • Consistent bit size for truncate (#4370) (dcd7a1e)
  • Correct formatting for databus visibility types (#4423) (cd796de)
  • Correct invalid brillig codegen for EmbeddedCurvePoint.add (#4382) (5051ec4)
  • docs: Update install versions (#4396) (b283637)
  • docs: Update noirjs_app for 0.23 (#4378) (f77f702)
  • Enforce matching types of binary ops in SSA (#4391) (70866ae)
  • Fix brillig slowdown when assigning arrays in loops (#4472) (2a53545)
  • flake: Stop flake.nix removing ignored-tests.txt (#4455) (ebaf05a)
  • Force src impl for == on slices (#4507) (1691274)
  • Handling of gh deps in noir_wasm (#4499) (1d65370)
  • Iterative flattening pass (#4492) (33c1ef7)
  • Noir test incorrect reporting ( (5f57ebb)
  • Only add .nr files to file manager (#4380) (8536c7c)
  • Remove panic when generic array length is not resolvable (#4408) (00ab3db)
  • Remove print from monomorphization pass (#4417) (27c66b3)
  • ssa: Handle mergers of slices returned from calls (#4496) (f988d02)
  • Use correct type for numeric generics (#4386) (0a1d109)
  • Variables from trait constraints being permanently bound over when used within a trait impl (#4450) (ac60ef5)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Bump msrv to 1.73.0 (#4406) (b5e5c30)
  • ci: Bump MSRV to 1.72.1 and enforce that ACVM can be published using updated lockfile (#4385) (2fc95d2)
  • Move noir out of yarn-project ( (78ef013)
  • Remove empty value from bounded vec (#4431) (b9384fb)
  • Reserve unchecked keyword (#4432) (9544813)


Package last updated on 11 Mar 2024

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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.


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