Get it from npm:
npm i @norest/cli -g
Getting started
Spin up a default server (file system storage):
Or configure it to your needs:
Example to start with authentication enabled:
norest serve --auth.enabled true
Example to start with a Mongo DB:
norest serve mongodb --connector.url "mongodb://"
Note: NoREST only works with mongodb Sharding, single mongodb nodes are not supported.
Configuration file
You could also create a .norestrc.json, yaml or .js in the root directory and store/export the configuration there.
"connector": {
"name": "mongodb",
"url": "mongodb://",
"collection": "norest",
"createCollectionNotExisting": true
"websocket": {
"enabled": true
"auth": {
"cookieName": "auth",
"userProperty": "sub"
"path": "api",
"fixed": false
By default the noREST nestjs implementation supports two connectors: mongoDB and file. File is the default configuration but only suitable for non high load.
Plugins can be added to an Javascript configuration file only. They are based on the module infrastructure of Nestjs. Configuration can be passed to the
calling register()
const AuthProxyModule = require('@norest/plugin-auth-proxy').AuthProxyModule;
module.exports = {
plugins: [AuthProxyModule.register({
github: {
client_id: '22e26fceea63a8ace68f',
redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3031/github/auth',
client_secret: 'xyz',
There is currently only two official plugin:
Env variables
Each of the mentioned configuration can be also be parsed as a ENV var. Use the prefix NOREST_
and replace dots with underscores then:
env.NOREST_AUTH_COOKIENAME = "authorization"