Dashboards Overview
Nova Dashboards is a framework designed to provide feature developers with a common solution for
presenting data coming from various sources within a single view, as well as a set of predefined widget
visualizations that are 100% configuration-driven and designed specifically to conform to the Nova Design
Language (NDL).
Even though NDL-prescriptive features are provided out of the box, the framework and its set of widgets
are made to be flexible! Individual parts of it can be overridden, and custom widgets can be implemented
without an inordinate amount of effort. However, as with any flexible framework, it's important to
remember that the more customizations you create, the more initial work and maintenance effort you'll
absorb into your product's code base.
- The consumer app must be Angular-based
- Your development environment includes Node.js®, a package manager such as npm, and the Angular CLI
- Your package manager registries are set
- Nova Bits has been installed using the following command:
ng add @nova-ui/bits
If needed, further instructions for Bits installation can be found here.
Installing NodeJS and npm
To check your version of NodeJS, run node -v in a terminal/console window.
To get NodeJS which comes prepackaged with npm, go to nodejs.org.
Installing Angular CLI
The Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool that you can use to initialize, develop, scaffold and
maintain Angular applications.
You may want to check first whether it's already installed by running the following command:
ng --version
If you want to install it globally, run the following command:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Setup Options
Automated Installation and Setup Using the Angular CLI
The following schematics command will get dashboards ready for consumption in your project:
ng add @nova-ui/dashboards
Tasks performed by this command:
- Adds the
package and its associated dependencies to your package.json - Performs an
npm install
- Adds the necessary imports to your app's main module
- Adds the necessary style definitions to your app's angular.json file.
Manual Installation and Setup
Install with npm:
npm install angular-gridster2
npm install d3
npm install d3-selection-multi
npm install @nova-ui/charts
npm install @nova-ui/dashboards
Once all dependencies and project files are downloaded, add NuiDashboardsModule and
BrowserAnimationsModule to your main Angular module's imports:
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { NuiDashboardsModule } from "@nova-ui/dashboards";
imports: [
Finally, since some of the predefined widget types provided by Nova Dashboards have charts, your app must
include the Nova Charts style definitions. To add them, modify your app's angular.json with the following
addition to the styles source paths:
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"styles": [
Start Implementing Your Dashboards
There is an online overview of Nova Dashboards, but if you'd prefer to dive right in, you can start with our Hello, Dashboards! tutorial.