colors: Any use of prior yellow colors as background or text
colors that were not already variables referenced elsewhere (see:
alerts) will be broken with this change (39951f0)
viewport-panes: don't show at certain sizes (38f9bc9)
links: This will affect all links and should be tested
[Finishes #119321553] (da7b84d)
svgeople: If you were relying upon `fillPeople`, it no longer
exists, nor does the `this.people` array (4f39f45)
iconography: Any case where icon-avatar is being used needs to be
changed to avatar-icon and if there is a sibling icon class, it needs to
be removed (3fa5757)
forms: This could break tests down the line and any
assumptions made when the max value was not set. Originally, the max
defaulted to 99999. If a user had left the `max` attribute out of the
input element, with this change, there is no longer that default max to
fall back on (37cec37)
typography: Header font-weight should be a default, but should be
able to be easily overwritten by an emphasis class, since the weight is
not the primary purpose for it as a class. (de25b14)
typography: the fonts are all different now; Open Sans is bigger than Source Sans Pro at the same font size... (17f628e)
viewport-panes: Adds variables that will affect the header as well (83cc78e)
buttons: (class name) .btn-highlight-alt and .btn-highlight deprecated (8d0647e)
alerts: (css class) .alert-icon styles icons within alerts. (a6cfe36)
buttons: (css class) .btn-primary and PrimaryButton are no longer supported. (8b86a1f)
buttons: (css class) the value of $error-3, and $red-3 became darker. (232156c)
buttons: (sass variable): the button-skin-alternate mixin is no longer supported (800c0f9)
colors: (sass variables) 2.0 conversion table,dark,dark-3 is now dark-4,dark-2 is now dark-3,dark-1 is now dark-2,brand,brand-3 is now brand-8,brand-1 is now brand-3,brand-5 is now brand-10,brand-2 is now brand-5,brand-4 has changed, there is no equivalent color in 2.0 and will now be brand-9 to have a more appropriate place within the brightness scale,accent,accent-5 is now accent-6,accent-4 has changed, there is no equivalent color in 2.0 and will now be accent-5 to have a more appropriate place within the brightness scale,accent-3 is now accent-4,accent-2 is now accent-3,accent-1 is now accent-2,error,error-4 is now error-6,error-3 is now error-4,error-2 is now error-3,error-1 is now error-2,warn,warn-3 is now warn-6,warn-2 is now warn-3,success,success-2 is now success-6 (aeba298)
dropdowns: (css class) Dropdowns now become darker when opened instead of lighter.(70fece4)
dropdowns: (javascript) PrimaryDropdowns are no longer supported. (f1bfc81)
ellipsis: (css class) 2 and 3 line ellipsis no longer supported. (fbd5fc3)
expander: (html) The DOM for ExpanderTrigger has changed. There is no longer a wrapping div. (480c7bc)
forms: (css class) Help text on input is now darker. (f2761e3)
forms: (css class) .help-block has a darker color now. For the old color, use $gray-dark. (f2761e3)
health_indicators: removes health_indicators from pui-css-deprecated (799eb23)
images: (javascript) Images no longer responsive by default. Please use the responsive flag. (447a6a0)
links: (css class) link-lowlight-alt is no longer supported. Please use link-lowlight instead. (757a0a1)
links: (css class) the value of $link-color, $accent-2, and $blue-2 became darker (29c5826)
lists: (sass variable) $list-steps-color-current is now $brand-8 (690d59b)
lists: (css class) addable list animations removed. Do not use. (53315f5)
lists: (html) The `.event-list` class is no longer supported. If you want to build a event list, build it up using a group list. See an example at (f8f2e40)
maps: (css class) Google maps now need the `.labs-map` class to get styles. (d24e699)
mixin: (sass variable) font() mixin no longer available. Use font-helper mixin from pui-css-typography instead. (dc94761)
modernizr: (javascript) modernizr is no longer included with Pivotal UI (086002c)
no-js: removes .no-js from pui-css-deprecated (c3674a2)
panes: (javascript) outerClass, and innerClass no longer work. Use className and innerClassName to pass the classes, respectively. (76ac09e)
selects: (sass variables) $input-border is now $neutral-7 (192e5af)
sortable-table: (javascript) React component has new wrapping components for the header and rows. (537f477)
tabs: (javascript) For the react version of tabs, the property 'tabs' is now called 'title' (01dad2a)
tabs: (sass variables) $tab-responsive-color is now $neutral-3 instead of $neutral-4 and $tab-responsive-active-color is now $brand-5 instead of $brand-8 (7d99cec)
tabs: The old styling of SimpleTabs is no longer
available. The same classes or React Components use the new styles. (a942a44)
tabs: (whitespace) tab default body padding is now on .tab-pane (cac8cde)
toggles: removes toggles from pui-css-deprecated (945039a)
typography: (css class) header line height changed and will look closer together on multiline headers but will look the same on single line headers (492247a)