What is @nuxt/types?
@nuxt/types is a TypeScript type definitions package for Nuxt.js, a popular framework for building server-side rendered Vue.js applications. It provides type definitions for various parts of the Nuxt.js ecosystem, including configuration, context, and modules, enabling developers to leverage TypeScript's static typing and autocompletion features.
What are @nuxt/types's main functionalities?
Nuxt Configuration
This feature provides type definitions for the Nuxt.js configuration file (nuxt.config.js or nuxt.config.ts). It ensures that the configuration adheres to the expected structure and helps with autocompletion and type checking.
const config: NuxtConfig = {
head: {
title: 'My Nuxt App',
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' }
modules: [
export default config;
Context and Inject
This feature provides type definitions for the Nuxt.js context object, which is available in various parts of the application, such as middleware, plugins, and asyncData. It helps ensure that the context properties are used correctly.
import { Context } from '@nuxt/types';
export default function ({ app, store, route }: Context) {
// You can access app, store, route, etc. with proper types
Module Development
This feature provides type definitions for developing custom Nuxt.js modules. It ensures that the module's structure and options are correctly defined, aiding in the development of reusable modules.
import { Module } from '@nuxt/types';
const myModule: Module = function (moduleOptions) {
// Module code here
export default myModule;
Other packages similar to @nuxt/types
vue-class-component is a TypeScript decorator for Vue components. It allows developers to define Vue components using TypeScript classes, providing type safety and autocompletion. While it focuses on Vue components, it does not cover the broader Nuxt.js ecosystem like @nuxt/types.
vue-property-decorator is a library that works with vue-class-component to provide additional decorators for Vue components, such as @Prop, @Watch, and @Emit. It enhances the TypeScript experience for Vue components but does not provide type definitions for Nuxt.js-specific features.
vuex-module-decorators is a library that allows developers to define Vuex store modules using TypeScript classes and decorators. It provides type safety and autocompletion for Vuex modules but does not cover the broader Nuxt.js framework like @nuxt/types.