A simple material module wrapper for Angular applications
How to install
npm i @nwx/mat |OR| yarn add @nwx/mat
How to use
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { MatService } from '@nwx/mat';
export const SvgFlagIcons = [
names: ['ca', 'CA'],
namespace: 'flags',
path: 'assets/svg/flags/ca.svg'
names: ['us', 'US'],
namespace: 'flags',
path: 'assets/svg/flags/us.svg'
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'Neekware';
constructor(public mat: MatService) {
this.title = '@nwx/mat';
console.log('AppComponent loaded ...');
ngOnInit() {
this.mat.registerFontClassAlias('fontawesome', 'fa');
<h1> Welcome to {{ title }}!</h1>
<mat-icon color="primary" svgIcon="github-face"></mat-icon>
<mat-icon color="primary" svgIcon="flags:ca"></mat-icon>
This module automatically includes flex-layout module as well.
Any module that needs angular material or angular flex-layout must import MatModule
Running the tests
To run the tests against the current environment:
npm run ci:all
Released under a (MIT) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- making incompatible API changes
`MINOR` version -- adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
`PATCH` version -- making backwards-compatible bug fixes