:octopus: TypeScript API Client for Octopus Deploy
🚀 Getting Started
The TypeScript API Client for Octopus Deploy is easy to use after it's been initialized. Refer to Getting Started for step-by-step set of instructions on setup, initialization, and usage of its functionality.
The reference documentation for this library is auto-generated via Typedoc and made available through GitHub Pages: octopusdeploy.github.io/api-client.ts
🏎 Usage
import { Client, ClientConfiguration, Repository } from "@octopusdeploy/api-client";
import type { ProjectResource } from "@octopusdeploy/message-contracts";
const client = await Client.create();
if (client === undefined) {
throw new Error("client could not be constructed");
const repository = new Repository(client);
const projectNameOrId: string = "project-name-or-ID";
console.log(`Getting project, "${projectNameOrId}"...`);
let project: ProjectResource | undefined;
try {
project = await repository.projects.find(projectNameOrId);
} catch (error) {
if (project !== null && project !== undefined) {
console.log(`Project found: "${project?.Name}" (${project?.Id})`);
} else {
console.error(`Project, "${projectNameOrId}" not found`);