United is a component-based UI library for Olist's design system using React ecosystem.
Installing / Getting started
yarn add @olist/united
It has react
, react-dom
, styled-components
, styled-map
and styled-system
as peer dependencies. So, be careful whether some warning about version compatibility pops up or not after the installation.
After that you'll be able to import on you project and use the components and helpers.
import { Text } from '@olist/united';
Take a look at the components documentation so that you can make the most on your job.
Built With
It was built on top of React 16.
- Node version >= 8.9.0 <12.0.0.
- Npm version >= 5.5.1.
- It's fairly recommended using
for packages management.
Setting up Dev
Ok, you're looking forward to contributing for the united, then follow the instructions.
If you're here, you already have access to the repository, haven't you? So, just clone the project and install the dependencies.
git clone git@github.com:olist/olist-united.git
cd olist-united/
If it's everything okay on your environment all united dependencies were installed, but if something went wrong feel free to create an issue reporting the problem.
Running the server
yarn dev
This makes the project start building. After that, you can watch the changes in your console.
We're automanting with release-it
, but it's not working yet.
For a while, you ought to change the version by hand in package.json
yarn test
// or
yarn test:watch
yarn lint
yarn build
To publish, just run:
make publish
It'll assure that tests were run and United was built along with its component styleguide documentation, and was deployed in Heroku.
Style guide
Take a look at docz documentation