Opc-Base is an npm package that provides authentication, toast notification, injecting logic into opc components like opc-nav
, drawer components etc.
Getting Started
Copy the config.example.json
file in dev folder
, rename it as config.json
and provide the configuration values needed to load the variables.
Development Setup
To start the live build with rollup
To start the development server
- opc-base
- opc-provider
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run dev
To start the development server. Server will be available in localhost:5000/dev
npm test
Runs the e2e test cases with jest
npm run build
Generates build in production mode. Build will be available in dist
npm run build:watch
To watch for any change in source code and run the build again
👤 Akhil Mohan (@akhilmhdh)