Blockchain Libs
I want to develop
- Install nodejs, recommend >= 14.x
- Install yarn
cd $the_project
Before start commit
Commit-Message details
A commit message consists of three sections: Header(required), Body(optional)
and Footer(optional).
Header is a single line string which is composed of three parts:
type(required), scope(optional) and subject(required).
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
// An empty line
// An empty line
To avoid automatic line wrapping, always wrap lines of a commit message
to 72 characters.
Commit method 1 (manually):
git commit -m "feat: add some new features"
git commit -m "fix: fix some bugs"
Commit method 2 (interactively):
brew install commitizen
cz c
I want to publish new package
npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli
yarn version
and input new version, then will update the CHANGELOG.mdgit push --tag
I want to use it as a package
cd $my_own_project
yarn add @onekeyfe/blockchain-libs