Language CommCare
Language Pack for interacting with the CommCare API.
Accepted X-Form Spec from Dimagi: Accepted
X-Form Spec for Cases from Dimagi:
View all the required and optional properties for state.configuration
in the official configuration-schema definition.
The "appId" is the UUID which designates your commcare project as different from
everyone elses. It can be found in the URL of your application when you first
enter it from the project screen. I.e., the last part of this url:
Note that the username is your full email address.
to pull aggregate data from CommCare
It takes 3 arguments: reportId, params, and postUrl.
{ limit: 10, offset: 2, state: 'Vermont' },
simple body target:
<data xmlns="">
complex body target:
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<data uiVersion="1" version="17" name="New Form" xmlns:jrm="" xmlns="">
<n0:case case_id="ddb8e2b3-7ce0-43e4-ad45-d7a2eebe9169" user_id="user-xxx-eve" date_modified="2013-04-19T16:53:02.799-04" xmlns:n0="">
<n1:meta xmlns:n1="">
<n2:appVersion xmlns:n2="">CommCare ODK, version "2.4.1"(10083). App v19. CommCare Version 2.4. Build 10083, built on: March-12-2013</n2:appVersion>
Submitting data to CommCare HQ
Submit an XLS file
This function bulk submit a JSON object as xls file to CommCare HQ
submitXls([{ name: 'Mamadou', phone: '000000' }], {
case_type: 'student',
search_field: 'external_id',
create_new_cases: 'on',
Here we're just building the most basic JSON object, that will be converted to
an XML object and posted as the element.
field('@', function (state) {
return {
field('paitent_namentosh', dataValue('first_name')),
field('question2', 'Some answer here.'),
field('question3', 'HKS'),
field('question4', 'item1'),
field('question5', 69855),
field('question6', 12)
An open rosa form submission body should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<data name="Patient Registration" uiVersion="1" version="9" xmlns="" xmlns:jrm="">
<n0:meta xmlns:n0="">
<n1:appVersion xmlns:n1="">CommCare ODK, version "2.22.0"(370023). App v9. CommCare Version 2.22. Build 370023, built on: July-22-2015</n1:appVersion>
So the JSON emitted by your expression should look like this:
"data": {
"name": "Patient Registration",
"uiVersion": "1",
"version": "9",
"xmlns": "",
"xmlns:jrm": "",
"paitent_namentosh": "Taylor",
"question2": " Moruki",
"question3": "Hks",
"question4": "item1",
"question5": "69855",
"question6": "12",
"n0:meta": {
"xmlns:n0": "",
"n0:deviceID": "358239055789384",
"n0:timeStart": "2015-08-21T16:21:59.807+02",
"n0:timeEnd": "2015-08-21T16:22:15.987+02",
"n0:username": "openfn",
"n0:userID": "5fe615b3af2834cb5dca59f7466d6174",
"n0:instanceID": "195e79eb-d823-46fe-9e4f-59b8327d5db2",
"n1:appVersion": {
"xmlns:n1": "",
"$t": "CommCare ODK, version \"2.22.0\"(370023). App v9. CommCare Version 2.22. Build 370023, built on: July-22-2015"
Clone the adaptors monorepo. Follow the
Getting Started
guide inside to get set up.
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