![NPM Package](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@openzeppelin/defender-deploy-client-cli?color=%234e5de4&label=npm)
CLI for deployments using OpenZeppelin Defender SDK.
This repository contains experimental code. It is available as a technology preview and its functionality is incomplete and subject to change. Breaking changes may be introduced at any point while it is in preview.
- Install Node.js
- Set the following environment variables using your Team API key and secret from OpenZeppelin Defender:
Network Selection
The network that is used with OpenZeppelin Defender is determined by the chainId
parameter in the below commands.
If you want to ensure that a specific network is used with Defender, set the DEFENDER_NETWORK
environment variable, for example:
If set, this must be the name of a public, private or forked network in Defender. If the chainId
parameter corresponds to a different network while this is set, the deployment will not occur and will throw an error instead.
This is required if you have multiple forked networks in Defender with the same chainId, in which case the one with name matching the DEFENDER_NETWORK
environment variable will be used.
npx @openzeppelin/defender-deploy-client-cli <COMMAND> <OPTIONS>
Performs actions using OpenZeppelin Defender.
Available commands:
deploy Deploys a contract.
proposeUpgrade Proposes an upgrade.
getDeployApprovalProcess Gets the deploy approval process configured for a network.
getUpgradeApprovalProcess Gets the upgrade approval process configured for a network.
Run 'npx @openzeppelin/defender-deploy-client-cli <COMMAND> --help' for more information on a command.
Deploying a contract
npx @openzeppelin/defender-deploy-client-cli deploy --contractName <CONTRACT_NAME> --contractPath <CONTRACT_PATH> --chainId <CHAIN_ID> --buildInfoFile <BUILD_INFO_FILE_PATH> [--constructorBytecode <CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS>] [--licenseType '<LICENSE>'] [--verifySourceCode <true|false>] [--relayerId <RELAYER_ID>] [--salt <SALT>] [--createFactoryAddress <CREATE_FACTORY_ADDRESS>] [--gasLimit <GAS_LIMIT>] [--gasPrice <GAS_PRICE>] [--maxFeePerGas <MAX_FEE_PER_GAS>] [--maxPriorityFeePerGas <MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS>] [--metadata '<METADATA>'] [--origin '<ORIGIN>']
Deploys a contract using OpenZeppelin Defender.
Required options:
--contractName <CONTRACT_NAME> Name of the contract to deploy.
--contractPath <CONTRACT_PATH> Path to the contract file.
--chainId <CHAIN_ID> Chain ID of the network to deploy to.
--buildInfoFile <BUILD_INFO_FILE_PATH> Path to the build info file containing Solidity compiler input and output for the contract.
Additional options:
--constructorBytecode <CONSTRUCTOR_BYTECODE> 0x-prefixed ABI encoded byte string representing the constructor arguments. Required if the constructor has arguments.
--licenseType '<LICENSE>' License type to display on block explorers for verified source code. See https://etherscan.io/contract-license-types for supported values and use the string found in brackets, e.g. 'MIT'
--verifySourceCode <true|false> Whether to verify source code on block explorers. Defaults to true.
--relayerId <RELAYER_ID> Relayer ID to use for deployment. Defaults to the relayer configured for your deployment environment on Defender.
--salt <SALT> Salt to use for CREATE2 deployment. Defaults to a random salt.
--createFactoryAddress <CREATE_FACTORY_ADDRESS> Address of the CREATE2 factory to use for deployment. Defaults to the factory provided by Defender.
--gasLimit <GAS_LIMIT> Maximum amount of gas to allow the deployment transaction to use.
--gasPrice <GAS_PRICE> Gas price for legacy transactions, in wei.
--maxFeePerGas <MAX_FEE_PER_GAS> Maximum total fee per gas, in wei.
--maxPriorityFeePerGas <MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS> Maximum priority fee per gas, in wei.
--metadata '<METADATA>' Use this to identify, tag, or classify deployments. See https://docs.openzeppelin.com/defender/module/deploy#metadata. Must be a JSON string, for example: --metadata '{ "commitHash": "4ae3e0d", "tag": "v1.0.0", "anyOtherField": "anyValue" }'
--origin <ORIGIN> The client that made the deployment. For internal use only. Only 'Foundry' or 'SDK' are supported. Defaults to 'SDK'.
Proposing an upgrade
npx @openzeppelin/defender-deploy-client-cli proposeUpgrade --proxyAddress <PROXY_ADDRESS> --newImplementationAddress <NEW_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS> --chainId <CHAIN_ID> [--proxyAdminAddress <PROXY_ADMIN_ADDRESS>] [--contractArtifactFile <CONTRACT_ARTIFACT_FILE_PATH>] [--approvalProcessId <UPGRADE_APPROVAL_PROCESS_ID>]
Proposes an upgrade using OpenZeppelin Defender.
Required options:
--proxyAddress <PROXY_ADDRESS> Address of the proxy to upgrade.
--newImplementationAddress <NEW_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS> Address of the new implementation contract.
--chainId <CHAIN_ID> Chain ID of the network to use.
Additional options:
--proxyAdminAddress <PROXY_ADMIN_ADDRESS> Address of the proxy's admin. Required if the proxy is a transparent proxy.
--contractArtifactFile <CONTRACT_ARTIFACT_FILE_PATH> Path to a JSON file that contains an "abi" entry, where its value will be used as the new implementation ABI.
--approvalProcessId <UPGRADE_APPROVAL_PROCESS_ID> The ID of the upgrade approval process. Defaults to the upgrade approval process configured for your deployment environment on Defender.