publisher: Fix an issue that caused the publisher API to reject with the most recent binaries (As an aside, the recommended approach is to use the CLI not the API for almost all use cases- see the examples for more details) (4a100bb)
Substantially improve error messages if the pact publisher API fails (81d3511)
Add a beta interface to the FFI / V3 Consumer tests. Try it out with import { makeConsumerPact } from 'pact-core/src/consumer' (46d6667)
Revert the consumer changes until the issues with node 14 are fixed (the release notes about the V3 consumer support in this release are not true, sorry) (dc5217d)
Fixes and Improvements
Pass logLevel down to the native consumer (88b329c)
Pin standalone version back to the last known good version 1.88.66 (77eab71)