Advanced tools
4.0.0 (2022-12-08)
https://unpkg.com/@patternslib/pat-code-editor@4.0.0/dist/bundle.min.js or https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@patternslib/pat-code-editor@4.0.0/dist/bundle.min.js
Add HTML example to demo. (2c94b6c)
Update bundle in demo to correct URL. (4d14b05)
Update webpack and bundle config. (0ff2c88)
Upgrade to class based pattern. (e7ebe0b)
3.0.0-alpha.0 (2022-06-15)
Depend on @patternslib/dev and extend config from there. (e5fa5fb)
Extend babel config from @patternslib/dev. (0953950)
Extend commitlint config from @patternslib/dev. (d60483d)
Extend eslint config from @patternslib/dev. (c81f0b8)
Extend jest config from @patternslib/dev. (e0261e9)
Extend Makefile from @patternslib/dev. (88f26d6)
Extend prettier config from @patternslib/dev. (6967292)
Extend release-it config from @patternslib/dev. (f5f6667)
Extend webpack config from @patternslib/dev. (6f50d8d)
build: Add build:dev script to package.json to create a unminified development build. (74b25b9)
Build: @patternslib/patternslib as peerDependency. (6fb7778)Move @patternslib/patternslib dependency to peerDependencies and set to any version to avoid version conflicts when this package is a dependency of another Patternslib based package.
Build: Add @patternslib/patternslib also to devDependencies so that we get it installed. (afd04d6)
Build: Add keyword "patternslib" to package.json. (9edac4c)
Build: Extend jest.config.js from Patternslib and reuse their setupTests file too. (3f2fcd0)
Build: Keep yarn.lock in repository. (5762dab)
Build: Makefile - Allow OTP when publishing to npm, build bundles and publish them on GitHub, add pre-release targets. (9fabaea)
Build: Remove dependency regenerator-runtime except from test setup. The async/await runtime handling is already built-in in current Babel. (2ed4cb2)
Build: Update GitHub actions setup. (3a8bbab)
Build: Upgrade and cleanup dependencies. (20fb5db)
Build: Upgrade codejar and prismjs. (663e3b6)
2.1.2 (2022-04-09)
Fix demo for correct bundle location. (88fafab)
Set the editor to display-block to always show a cursor, even with not contents. (3b32570)
Add but don't use code-editor.scss which should show line-numbers but is not working yet. (e6989ef)
Upgrade dependencies. (8228097)
webpack: Configure devServer static directory. (b9ef4c7)## 2.1.0 (2021-12-03)
Deactivate line numbers - They do not work nicely with a <pre><code> structure yet. (250149f)
Escape HTML when initializing the editor. (dcef878)
Fix the tab option and allow tabs as \t and spaces in quotes as values. (a01aedb)
2.1.2 (2022-04-09)
Fix demo for correct bundle location. (88fafab)
Set the editor to display-block to always show a cursor, even with not contents. (3b32570)
Add but don't use code-editor.scss which should show line-numbers but is not working yet. (e6989ef)
Upgrade dependencies. (8228097)
webpack: Configure devServer static directory. (b9ef4c7)## 2.1.0 (2021-12-03)
Deactivate line numbers - They do not work nicely with a <pre><code> structure yet. (250149f)
Escape HTML when initializing the editor. (dcef878)
Fix the tab option and allow tabs as \t and spaces in quotes as values. (a01aedb)