Advanced tools
9.3.0 (2022-09-20)
9.3.0-beta.0 (2022-09-16)
9.2.1 (2022-09-16)
pat navigation: Do not break when no item wrapper is found. (6c84a41)
pat navigation: Improve the performance when the navigation elements change. (a6ec32b)Debounce the mutation observer callback which initialized the markings for 100ms for better performance.
pat navigation: Initialize the click handler on the element directly. (0b099cc)This way it needs to be initialized only once, even if the subtree changes. Remove the init_listeners from the mutation observer for better performance.
pat navigation: Only search within the current element. (417085e)
pat navigation: Remove mockup-related checking of input fields. (1e5afe7)
9.2.0 (2022-09-15)
pat close panel: Support for closing dialog panels. (7593048)
pat navigation: Add URL-based navigation markers. (9a0f7a3)That feature was also present in the old implementation but is now improved.
pat navigation: Always set in-path classes. (16bc8a2)When doing URL based checkings do always set the in-path classes for an active submenu item, even if it does not match the URL path hierachy.
pat navigation: Support click-only markings. (904e54f)Mark the navigation items also on clicks on anchors without pat-inject.
pat navigation: When a navigation wrapper is in-path, also mark the corresponding anchor as in-path. (e9da003)
Build: Register jQuery globally. (e72f41a)Since the module federation support jQuery was registered globally too late for some scripts. Now jQuery is registered as soon as the index.js is loaded. This allows for following scripts to use jQuery.
core base: Do not break when initialized with no element. (cd16107)
class and remove the trigger for .navigation
classes and <nav>
elements.core dom: Code optimization for dom.find_parents. (de1fb71)
core dom: Update documentation. (4ac25cc)
HTMLDialogElement support not in @patternslib/dev 2.7.0. (d2c279f)
Modernize header markup in demo files. (2f366e9)
pat inject: Move core.utils.rebaseURL to inject patterns. (144240d)core.utils.rebaseURL was only used by the inject pattern and is in this form not useful for broader use. If you need to rebase an relative or absolute URL against a base url, use: new URL(url, base_url)
pat inject: Specify allowed values for the history parameter. (e36c58c)
pat navigation: Modernize code. (f5269de)
pat navigation: Refactor implementation for more stability. (458e76b)
Upgrade dependencies. (806fc24)
9.1.1 (2022-09-08)
pat display time: Extend the demo. (2bd1ff6)
pat inject: Correct docs that the history parameter does not have record set as default. (7f06eda)
pat inject: Re-organize the demos. (3d3e8c3)- Create dedicated demo
folder and move demo files in there.
9.1.0-beta.4 (2022-09-05)
9.1.0-beta.3 (2022-09-05)