ThreeDSecure Service
A library to simplify the implementation of 3DS flow using Paybyrd API.
How to install
npm i @paybyrd/threedsecure-service
How to configure ThreeDSecureService
- options: The service configurations object.
- logger: A notification object to log what is happening inside the service. DEFAULT: RestLogger
- httpClient: A client used to send the API requests.
- directoryServer: A service to allow customizations to the Directory Server.
- challenge: A service to allow customizations to the Challenge.
The options param
- container: HTML Element where the iframe needed to execute the challenge will be created. The iframe will be resizable as the container.
DEFAULT: document.body
- challengeWindowSize: The challenge window size configuration.
- onIFrameCreatedFn: A notification function to allow customizations to the iframe created.
- onIFrameReadyFn: A notification function to allow customizations to the iframe ready.
- onContainerCreatedFn: A notification function to allow customizations to the container created. If the container is passed, the function will be dispatched anyway.
- threeDSecureUrl: Paybyrd ThreeDSecure API base URL. DEFAULT:
- culture: The culture that should be used for API responses. DEFAULT: en-US
- maxAttempts: The max attempts when the API returns transient errors, like 409, 404 or 504 status codes. DEFAULT: 50
- attemptDelayInSeconds: The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for the next attempt when some transient error happens.DEFAULT: 2
- timeoutInSeconds: The amount of time in seconds to wait for the API response. DEFAULT: 30
- logUrl: A Log API base URL used to send the logs.DEFAULT: null
- batchLogIntervalInSeconds: The amount of time in seconds to send batch logs to the rest logger. DEFAULT: 5
const container = document.getElementById('container-3ds');
const threeDSecureUrl = '';
const maxAttempts = 50;
const attemptDelay = 2000;
const culture = 'en-US';
const threeDSService = new ThreeDSecureService({
How to send the paymentRequest
First of all, we truly recommend that you use the 3DS flow using the Order feature, where you can take a look here. When you create the order, we will return a checkoutKey that must be used for authentication.
const createPaymentRequest = {
type: 'Card',
card: {
cardNumber: '5500000000000001',
cardExpiration: '07/30',
cvv: '123'
const createPaymentResponse = await
How to send the request
- id: The "id" of threeDSecure node from the payment creation response.
- correlationId: The "requestId" from the payment creation response.
const threeDSRequest = {
correlationId: createPaymentResponse.requestId
const threeDSResponse = await threeDSecureService.execute(threeDSRequest);
How to identify errors
try {
const threeDSResponse = await threeDSecureService.execute(request);
} catch (error) {
![3DS flow](