Derived API calls that combine several queries to provide convinient results. This package is part of the Pendulum SDK.
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
import { options } from '@pendulum-chain/api';
import '@pendulum-chain/api-derive/augmentDerives';
const getAddressEnum = (address: string) => ({ Evm: address });
const endpoint = 'wss://shiden.api.onfinality.io/public-ws';
const provider = new WsProvider(endpoint);
const address = '0x072416b9df2382a62Df34956DffB7B0aDdf668F9';
const api = new ApiPromise(options({ provider }));
(async function main() {
await api.isReadyOrError;
const stakers = await api.derive.dappStaking.stakers(getAddressEnum(address));
console.log({ stakers: stakers.map((s: any) => s.toHuman()) });
.then(() => api.disconnect())
.then(() => process.exit());
Clone the repo, run yarn
and you should be good to go.
Please see the COMMUNITY docs for contact and communication channels.