Perennial V2 Protocol
Perpetual synthetics protocol.
Pre Requisites
Before running any command, make sure to install dependencies. Run this in the root workspace as well to capture package patches:
$ yarn
Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:
$ yarn compile
This also generates the Typechain types
Run the Mocha tests:
$ yarn test
To run tests against a Mainnet fork, set your MAINNET_NODE_URL
in the root .env
and run
$ yarn test:integration
Gas Report
To get a gas report based on unit test calls:
$ yarn gasReport
Deploy contract to network (requires Mnemonic and infura API key)
npx hardhat run --network rinkeby ./scripts/deploy.ts
Validate a contract with etherscan (requires API ke)
npx hardhat verify --network <network> <DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> "Constructor argument 1"
Added plugins