The @perfective/array
package provides functions for the standard JS
- Unit functions:
array<T>(...elements: T[]): T[]
arrayFromIterable<T>(elements: Iterable<T>): T[]
arrayFromArrayLike<T>(elements: ArrayLike<T>): T[]
copy<T>(array: T[]): T[]
— creates a shallow copy of an arrayconcatenated<T>(initial: T[], ...arrays: T[][]): T[]
flatten<T>(arrays: T[][]): T[]
replicated<T>(value: T, length: number): T[]
— creates a new array of the given value replicated the given number of times.replicated<T>(length: number): Unary<T, T[]>
— creates a new function that replicates a given value the given number of times.reversed<T>(array: T[]): T[]
— creates a shallow reversed copy of an arraysorted<T>(array: T[], order?: Compare<T>): T[]
— creates a shallow sorted copy of an arrayunique<T>(array: T[]): T[]
— creates a shallow copy with all duplicate elements removedwrapped<T>(value: T | T[]): T[]
— if value is an array, returns the original array; otherwise returns an array with that value.
- Type guards:
isArray<T, V = unknown>(value: T[] | V): value is T[]
isNotArray<T, V = unknown>(value: T[] | V): value is V
- Predicates:
isEmpty<T>(array: T[]): boolean
isNotEmpty<T>(array: T[]): boolean
includes<T>(search: T, from?: number): Predicate<T[]>
includedIn<T>(array: T[], from?: number): Predicate<T>
every<T>(condition: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T[]>
some<T>(condition: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T[]>
- Properties:
length<T>(array: T[]): number
- Iterators:
entries<T>(array: T[]): IterableIterator<[number, T]>
keys<T>(array: T[]): IterableIterator<number>
values<T>(array: T[]): IterableIterator<T>
- Map/Reduce:
map<T, V>(lift: Unary<T, V>): Unary<T[], V[]>
reduce<T, V>(reducer: Reducer<T, V>, initial: V): Unary<T[], V>
reduceTo<T>(reducer: Reducer<T, T>): Unary<T[], T>
reduceRight<T, V>(reducer: Reducer<T, V>, initial: V): Unary<T[], V>
reduceRightTo<T>(reducer: Reducer<T, T>): Unary<T[], T>
join<T>(separator: string = ','): Unary<T[], string>
- Immutable element operators:
head<T>(array: T[]): T | undefined
— returns the first (head) element;tail<T>(array: T[]): T | undefined
— returns the last (tail) element;element<T>(index: number): Unary<T[], T | undefined>
— returns the element by its index;find<T>(condition: Predicate<T>): Unary<T[], T | undefined>
- Mutable element operators:
pop<T>(array: T[]): T | undefined
push<T>(...items: T[]): Unary<T[], number>
shift<T>(array: T[]): T | undefined
unshift<T>(...items: T[]): Unary<T[], number>
- Index operators:
findIndex<T>(condition: Predicate<T>): Unary<T[], number | -1>
indexOf<T>(search: T, from?: number): Unary<T[], number | -1>
lastIndexOf<T>(search: T, from?: number): Unary<T[], number | -1>
- Immutable array operators:
first<T>(count: number = 1): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array of the first count
of elements.last<T>(count: number = 1): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array of the last count
of elements.append<T>(element: T): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array with an element inserted in the end of the original array.prepend<T>(element: T): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array with an element inserted in the beginning of the original array.insert<T>(index: number, element: T): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array with an element inserted into the given index
.replace<T>(index: number, element: T): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array with an element replaced in the given index
.remove<T>(index: number): Unary<T[], T[]>
— returns an array with an element removed from the given index
.concat<T>(...items: ConcatArray<T>[]): Unary<T[], T[]>
filter<T>(condition: Predicate<T>): Unary<T[], T[]>
slice<T>(start?: number, end?: number): Unary<T[], T[]>
sorted<T>(order?: Compare<T>): Unary<T[], T[]>
- Mutable (in-place) array operators:
copyWithin<T>(target: number, start: number = 0, end?: number): Unary<T[], T[]>
fill<T>(value: T, start?: number, end?: number): Unary<T[], T[]>
reverse<T>(array: T[]): T[]
sort<T>(order?: Compare<T>): Unary<T[], T[]>
splice<T>(start: number, deleteCount?: number): Unary<T[], T[]>
spliceWith<T>(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: T[]): Unary<T[], T[]>
- Procedures:
forEach<T>(procedure: Unary<T, void>): Unary<T[], void>
Read the full documentation
in the repository.