Perfectum CLI
The command-line interface for convenient work with Perfectum performance tools :computer:
![Perfectum CLI](cli.gif)
yarn global add @perfectum/cli
perfectum <command> <options>
Running a project performance audit using @perfectum/synthetic library
perfectum audit --urls.main="" --config="./perfectum.json"
--urls, -u URLs whose performance you want to audit [object]
--config, -c Path to configuration file [string]
--numberOfAuditRuns, -n Number of performance audit runs [number]
--authenticationScriptPath Path to authentication script file [string]
--commandExecutionContextPath Path to execution context directory [string]
--skipBuildProject Skip the build phase of the project [boolean]
--skipStartProject Skip the start phase of the project [boolean]
--buildProjectCommand Command to build the project [string]
--startProjectCommand Command to start the project [string]
--buildProjectTimeout Timeout for the project build command in minutes [number]
--startProjectTimeout Timeout for the project start command in minutes [number]
--buildProjectCompleteStringPattern String pattern for listening to the end of the project build [string]
--startProjectCompleteStringPattern String pattern for listening to the end of the project start [string]
--clearReportFilesDirectoryBeforeAudit Clear the directory with report files before audit [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
For a more flexible configuration of launching an audit use the Perfectum configuration file.