Hash Array Map Trie (HAMT) implementation based on CHAMP paper and inspired by Clojure. Library provides a builder API inspired by clojure transients that can be utilized for bulk updates.
Prototype implements hash-array map tries (HAMT) by synthesizing CHAMP
algorithm with HAMTs used by IPFS UnixFS and IPLD HAMT. CHAMP
algorithm utilized several optimizations that are incompatible with IPFS UnixFS and IPLD HAMT, this implementation attempts to utilize those optimizations at
runtime and provide a way to map it to IPFS UnixFS compatible representation.
CHAMP algorithm exploits branching factor of 32
because it can be manipulated efficiently on 32-bit processors. It also allows storing HAMT bitmaps in a single integer.
In order to support IPFS UnixFS implementation (which uses 256
factor by default) branching factor is configurable, but relevant optimizations only apply when branching factor of 32
is used.
It is also worth noting that even with branching factor of 32
it can store large amount of entries in a relatively shallow tree e.g. tree 6 levels deep could store around 33,554,432