Standalone CLDR plural rules engine.
The plural rules engine takes 2 parameters as input: an ISO 639 language code and a number. The number can be a Decimal
, number
, or a string containing a valid number.
The Decimal arbitrary precision type is used for evaluating the plural expressions internally.
import { Decimal } from '@phensley/decimal';
import { pluralRules } from '@phensley/plurals';
const LANGUAGES = ['en', 'fr', 'lt', 'pl', 'mt'];
const NUMBERS = [
let s = '';
for (const n of NUMBERS) {
s += `${new Decimal(n).toString().padStart(35)} `;
for (const lang of LANGUAGES) {
const cat = pluralRules.cardinal(lang, n);
s += `${lang} ${cat}`.padEnd(14);
s += '\n';
0.000000000000000000000000000001 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other
0.0000000000000003333333333 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other
0 en other fr one lt other pl many mt few
0.00 en other fr one lt other pl other mt few
0.5 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other
1 en one fr one lt one pl one mt one
1.0 en other fr one lt one pl other mt one
2 en other fr other lt few pl few mt few
3.14159 en other fr other lt many pl other mt other
5 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few
6 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few
7 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few
9 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few
11 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many
15 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many
19 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many
23 en other fr other lt few pl few mt other
29 en other fr other lt few pl many mt other
100 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other
1000000000000 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other
1000000000000.0 en other fr other lt other pl other mt other
9999999999999999999999919 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many
9999999999999999999999999 en other fr other lt few pl many mt other
1000000000000000000000000000000 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other