Standalone CLDR plural rules engine. Supports cardinal, ordinal, and plural range calculations.
The plural rules engine takes 2 parameters as input: an ISO 639 language code and a number. The number can be a Decimal
, number
, or a string containing a valid number.
The Decimal arbitrary precision type is used for evaluating the plural expressions internally.
import { Decimal } from '@phensley/decimal';
import { pluralRules } from '@phensley/plurals';
const LANGUAGES = ['en', 'fr', 'lt', 'pl', 'mt'];
const NUMBERS = [
let s = '';
for (const n of NUMBERS) {
s += `${new Decimal(n).toString().padStart(35)} `;
for (const lang of LANGUAGES) {
const plurals = pluralRules.get(lang);
const cat = plurals.cardinal(n);
s += `${lang} ${cat}`.padEnd(14);
s += '\n';
0.000000000000000000000000000001 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other pt one pt-PT other
0.0000000000000003333333333 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other pt one pt-PT other
0 en other fr one lt other pl many mt few pt one pt-PT other
0.00 en other fr one lt other pl other mt few pt one pt-PT other
0.5 en other fr one lt many pl other mt other pt one pt-PT other
1 en one fr one lt one pl one mt one pt one pt-PT one
1.0 en other fr one lt one pl other mt one pt one pt-PT other
2 en other fr other lt few pl few mt few pt other pt-PT other
3.14159 en other fr other lt many pl other mt other pt other pt-PT other
5 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few pt other pt-PT other
6 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few pt other pt-PT other
7 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few pt other pt-PT other
9 en other fr other lt few pl many mt few pt other pt-PT other
11 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many pt other pt-PT other
15 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many pt other pt-PT other
19 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many pt other pt-PT other
23 en other fr other lt few pl few mt other pt other pt-PT other
29 en other fr other lt few pl many mt other pt other pt-PT other
100 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other pt other pt-PT other
1000000000000 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other pt other pt-PT other
1000000000000.0 en other fr other lt other pl other mt other pt other pt-PT other
9999999999999999999999919 en other fr other lt other pl many mt many pt other pt-PT other
9999999999999999999999999 en other fr other lt few pl many mt other pt other pt-PT other
1000000000000000000000000000000 en other fr other lt other pl many mt other pt other pt-PT other