A tiny library for remote calls and events via redis.
Install via npm:
yarn add @phiresky/redis-remotify
Example use
Say you have a backend like this:
class Squarer {
public async square(x: number) {
return x ** 2;
But you want to use the functions it provides in different processes. With this library, you can start a server process like this:
import * as redis from "redis";
import { Listen } from "@phiresky/redis-remotify";
const squarer = new Squarer();
const pub = redis.createClient();
const sub = redis.createClient();
const r = new Listen("backend", { pub, sub });
And then call the functions from one or more separate node processes like this:
import { Remotify } from "@phiresky/redis-remotify";
const backend = new Remotify("backend", { pub, sub });
const remoteSquarer = backend.remotifyClass(Squarer);
for (const x of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11]) {
const res = await remoteSquarer.square(x);
console.log(x, "^2 =", res);
Of course it also works with single functions or other non-class objects. A more complete example can be seen in examples/elaborate.ts.