This UI library is mostly based on Ant Design, with enhanced features for Pinnacle group products.
Good To Know
Every component associates with its own CSS, and tree-shakeable.
Remember to import "@pinnacle0/web-ui/css/global.less"
at first.
If you want to use existing library color, import "@pinnacle0/web-ui/css/varibale.less"
is helpful.
Remember to wrap <LocaleProvider>
if not using English.
Remember to wrap <BrowserRouter>
when using @pinnacle0/web-ui/admin/MainLayout
Do not import anything from @pinnacle0/web-ui/internal/*
Moment Local Tree-shaking Issue
To support this, please do both of following:
Add new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/),
to your webpack plugins.
This line is to skip all locale imports by moment library itself.
If you want to support Chinese locale, add require("moment/locale/zh-cn")
at the beginning of your application.
This line is to enable Chinese calendar when current context locale is "zh".