ckan-ts is a fully tested and documented TypeScript wrapper for retrieving data from v3 CKAN APIs asynchronously. Its main aim is to provide parsed outputs using a coherent and consistent vocabulary across all resource types, and handle non-standard data provided by different organizations.
Install ckan-ts with npm i ckan-ts
or yarn add ckan-ts
Using ckan-ts is very simple. For instance, the following checks whether or not a site is functional, and retrieves its first 100 datasets if it is:
import CKAN from "ckan-ts";
const parser = new CKAN("");
const isAvailable = await parser.available();
const datasets = await parser.datasets({limit: 100});
For the most part, ckan-ts is intended to retrieve data from unauthenticated endpoints. However, you can also pass it headers to use throughout, i.e.
const parser = new CKAN("", {
requestOptions: {
headers: {}
Full documentation
Currently supported methods:
.autocompleteDataset(query, limit)
: searches for a dataset, and returns its autocomplete results..autocompleteFormat(query, limit)
: searches for a file format, and returns its autocomplete results..autocompleteGroup(query, limit)
: searches for a group, and returns its autocomplete results..autocompleteOrganization(query, limit)
: searches for an organization, and returns its autocomplete results..autocompleteTag(query, limit)
: searches for a tag, and returns its autocomplete results..autocompleteUser(query, limit)
: searches for a user, and returns its autocomplete results.searchDataset(query, options)
: searches for a given dataset with additional options, and returns its details..searchResource(query, options)
: searches for a given resource with additional options, and returns its detaisl.
: returns the IDs of all datasets on the server..detailedDatasets(settings?)
: returns information about all datasets on the server, including their included resources..detailedGroups(settings?)
: returns information about all groups on the server..detailedOrganizations(settings?)
: returns information about all organizations on the server..detailedTags(settings?)
: returns information about all tags on the server..detailedUsers(settings?)
: returns a list of users on the server with detailed information..groups(settings?)
: returns the IDs of all groups on the server..licenses()
: returns all the licenses used across datasets..organizations(settings?)
: returns the IDs of all organizations on the server..tags(settings?)
: returns the name of all tags on the server..users(settings?)
: returns a list of user IDs on the server..vocabularies()
: returns a list of vocabularies on the server.
Single items:
: returns the metadata of a dataset with a given, settings?)
: returns information pertaining to a group..organization(id, settings?)
: returns information pertaining to an organization..resource(id)
: returns the metadata of a resource with a given ID..user(id)
: returns information about a given user..vocabulary(id)
: returns information about a given vocabulary.
.action(action, data?, method?)
: carries out a generic action. Used in case it has not been implemented in the CKAN-TS yet..available()
: checks whether an API endpoint is currently available.
For more information about these methods, check the documentation.
Full documentation
ckan-ts is released under the MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.