Headless Styles
A functional helper library that delivers styles and a11y properties for the Pluralsight Web UI Kit to be used in any Component library (framework agnostic).
What role does this package play in Pando?
PANDO ||--o{ DESIGN-TOKENS : contains
PANDO ||--o{ ICONS : contains
PANDO ||--o{ HEADLESS-STYLES : contains
PANDO ||--o{ REACT-UTILS : contains
NORMALIZE-SETUP ||..|{ THEMES : contains
This package allows users to build accessbile and performant components without worrying about the "small stuff": styling the UI.
Headless Styles General Function
The headless-styles package relies on the use of the Font & Normalize Setup provided from the design-tokens package.
Ultimately, headless-styles is just a library that is a bunch of functions that return Objects. Nothing more, nothing less. These functions return styles via classes (CSS) or style Objects (CSS-in-JS) and a11y attributes.
⚠️ Headless-styles does and should not own advanced logic for components. At the base level, this library is meant to own presentational responsibilities. For advanced component logic (i.e state management, etc.), see react-utils.
This project uses bun so there are no setup commands needed. If you get any errors, you may need to run an initial bun install
or ensure you are using Node >= 18.
Headless-styles uses an internal sandbox which auto-generates the CSS-in-JS styles used in our JS related API's.
From the root directory of the project, run:
bun run start:sandbox
From the root directory of the project, run:
bun test packages/headless-styles/tests
If you plan on contributing to this project, please take time to read our CONTRIBUTING.md. Pull requests that do not adhere to the requirements in this doc will automatically be flagged and closed.