This module is used by @pm2/io to communicate with's servers.
This module is using websocket to send and receive data from websocket server.
NOTE: This module is only compatible with node >= 6
How to use
Just like that:
const Agent = require('@pm2/agent-node')
const process = {
axm_options: {}
const agent = new Agent({
publicKey: '',
secretKey: '',
appName: ''
}, process)
await agent.start()
You can send data like this:
agent.send('process:exception', {data: ...})
To release a new version, first install gren :
yarn global add github-release-notes
Push a commit in github with the new version you want to release :
git commit -am "version: major|minor|patch bump to X.X.X"
Care for the versionning, we use the semver versioning currently. Please be careful about the version when pushing a new package.
Then tag a version with git :
git tag -s vX.X.X
Push the tag into github (this will trigger the publish to npm) :
git push origin vX.X.X
To finish update the changelog of the release on github with gren
(be sure that gren has selected the right tags):
gren release -o -D commits -u keymetrics -r pm2-io-agent-node