A set of composable easing functions.
npm install --save @porkchopsandwich/easers
import { linear, cubic, inverse } from "@porkchopsandwich/easers";
const y = linear(0.3);
const invertedLinear = inverse(linear);
const y2 = invertedLinear(0.3);
Available easers
linear(x) => y
Returns the passed X as Y.
fixedFactory(x) => () => y
Returns an easer that always returns the initial value.
sineWaveFactory(amplitude = 1, ordinaryFrequency = 1, phase = 0) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that models a sine wave.
circular(x) => y
Models a circular easing.
exponential(x) => y
Models an exponential easing.
powerFactory(power = 1) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that models the passed power easing.
squared(x) => y
cubed(x) => y
quad(x) => y
Convenience easers for powers of 2, 3 and 4.
bounceFactory(baseline = 2.75) => (x) => y
Returns a 'bounce' easer (based on Robert Penner's easing methods: http://robertpenner.com/easing/)
elastic(x) => y
Models an elastic easer (based on Robert Penner's easing methods: http://robertpenner.com/easing/)
doubleArcFactory(max = 1.1) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that models a double arc.
Higher Order Easers
reverse(easer) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that flips the X value passed to the easer
(1 to 0 rather than 0 to 1)
mirror(easer) => (x) => y
Returns an easer whose which produces a mirrored pair of the easer
inverse(easer) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that flips the X value passed to the easer
, AND flips the returned Y value. Effectively mirrors the easer on a diagonal.
pair(easer1, easer2) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that invokes easer1
for the first half of the X range, and easer2
for the second half.
inOut(easer) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that invokes easer
normally for the first half of the X range, and the inverse of easer
for the second half.
mean(...easers) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that returns the mean value returned by all the input easers
sequence(...easers) => (x) => y
Returns an easer that breaks up the X value into a set matching the length of the input easers
, and calls the appropriate one for the supplied X value.
set(...easerSets) => (x) => y
Easer Sets are a 3-tuples consisting of an easer, a start x and an end x. Returns an easer that returns the mean of all easers whose set starts before the input X and ends after the input X.
toRange(x, min = 0, max = 1) => y
Converts a value between 0 and 1 to one on a range between min and max.
arrayMean(arrayOfNumbers) => y
Returns the average of all numbers in an array.