With-Input Plugin
A plugin for creating fields with a single input object. This plugin adds a new t.fieldWithInput
method that allows you to more easily define fields with a single input type without having to
define it separately.
yarn add @pothos/plugin-with-input
import WithInputPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-with-input';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({
plugins: [WithInputPlugin],
withInput: {
typeOptions: {
argOptions: {
Defining fields with inputs
fields: (t) => ({
example: t.fieldWithInput({
input: {
id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
type: 'ID',
resolve: (root, args) => args.input.id,
This will produce a schema like:
type Query {
example(input: QueryExampleInput!): ID!
input QueryExampleInput {
id: ID!
The input name will default to ${ParentType.name}${Field.name}Input
Customizing your input object
You can customize the name of your Input object, and the name of the input argument:
fields: (t) => ({
example: t.fieldWithInput({
typeOptions: {
name: 'CustomInputTypeName',
argOptions: {
name: 'customArgName',
input: {
id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
type: 'ID',
resolve: (root, args) => args.customArgName.id,
Changing the nullability of the input arg
You can configure the global default for input args when creating the builder by providing
in the builders SchemaTypes
, and setting withInput.argOptions.required
const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{ WithInputArgRequired: false }>({
plugins: [WithInputPlugin],
withInput: {
argOptions: {
required: false,
arg requiredness can also be set on a per field basis by setting argOptions.required
fields: (t) => ({
example: t.fieldWithInput({
type: 'Boolean',
nulllable: true,
argOptions: {
required: false,
input: {
someInput: t.input.boolean({}),
resolve: (root, args) => {
return args.input?.someInput;
Prisma plugin integration
If you are using the prisma plugin you can use t.prismaFieldWithInput
to add prisma fields with
input objects:
builder.queryField('prismaFieldWithInput', (t) =>
type: 'User',
input: {
id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
nullable: true,
resolve: (query, _, args) =>
where: {
id: Number.parseInt(args.input.id, 10),