--stripe-elements-base-color | color property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-font-family | font-family property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-font-size | font-size property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-font-smoothing | font-smoothing property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-font-variant | font-variant property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-icon-color | icon-color property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-letter-spacing | letter-spacing property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-line-height | line-height property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-text-decoration | text-decoration property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-text-shadow | text-shadow property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-base-text-transform | text-transform property for the element in its base state |
--stripe-elements-border | border property of the element container. Default 1px solid transparent |
--stripe-elements-border-radius | border radius of the element container. Default 4px |
--stripe-elements-box-shadow | box shadow for the element container. Default 0 1px 3px 0 #e6ebf1 |
--stripe-elements-complete-color | color property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-font-family | font-family property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-font-size | font-size property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-font-smoothing | font-smoothing property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-font-variant | font-variant property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-icon-color | icon-color property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-letter-spacing | letter-spacing property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-line-height | line-height property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-text-decoration | text-decoration property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-text-shadow | text-shadow property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-complete-text-transform | text-transform property for the element in its complete state |
--stripe-elements-empty-color | color property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-font-family | font-family property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-font-size | font-size property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-font-smoothing | font-smoothing property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-font-variant | font-variant property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-icon-color | icon-color property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-letter-spacing | letter-spacing property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-line-height | line-height property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-text-decoration | text-decoration property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-text-shadow | text-shadow property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-empty-text-transform | text-transform property for the element in its empty state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-color | color property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-font-family | font-family property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-font-size | font-size property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-font-smoothing | font-smoothing property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-font-variant | font-variant property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-icon-color | icon-color property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-letter-spacing | letter-spacing property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-line-height | line-height property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-text-decoration | text-decoration property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-text-shadow | text-shadow property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-invalid-text-transform | text-transform property for the element in its invalid state |
--stripe-elements-transition | transition property for the element container. Default box-shadow 150ms ease |