🍄 rmm-ethers
Easily connect and transact with RMM protocol.
🧩 Features
- 🌲 Deploy RMM protocol
- ⚡️ Easily connect to an RMM deployment
- 🌊 Create RMM pools
- ☄️ Allocate or remove liquidity
- 🎁 Transfer positions
- 🔭 Read protocol data
📦 Installation
This software is in Alpha.
Installing locally:
git clone https://github.com/primitivefinance/rmm-ethers.git
yarn install
Installing as a package:
yarn add @primitivefi/rmm-ethers
npm i @primitivefi/rmm-ethers
Use it by connecting with a signer or provider:
import { EthersRmm } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
await EthersRmm.connect(signerOrProvider)
✏️ Usage as a Package
This package is designed to extend the rmm-sdk package. The SDK has the entity models and interfaces that are used by rmm-ethers to send transactions.
🪝 As a react hook:
Here is an example of a React hook that makes use of web3-react and SWR:
import useSWR, { SWRResponse } from 'swr'
import { useWeb3React } from 'web3-react'
import { Signer } from '@ethersproject/abstract-signer'
import { EthersRmm } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
function getEthersRmm(signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider): () => Promise<EthersRmm> {
return async () => await EthersRmm.connect(signerOrProvider)
export function useRmmProtocol(suspense = false): SWRResponse<EthersRmm, Error> {
const { library: signerOrProvider, chainId } = useWeb3React()
const shouldFetch = !!signerOrProvider && typeof chainId !== 'undefined'
const result = useSWR(
shouldFetch ? [signerOrProvider, 'ethers-rmm', chainId] : null,
getEthersRmm(signerOrProvider?.getSigner() as Signer),
dedupingInterval: 60 * 1000,
refreshInterval: 60 * 1000,
return result
🌊 Fetch a pool
import { Pool } from '@primitivefi/rmm-sdk'
import { EthersRmm, Position } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
async function getPool(poolId: string): Promise<Pool> {
return rmm.getPool(poolId).then(data => data)
⚱️ Fetching pool liquidity positions
import { Pool } from '@primitivefi/rmm-sdk'
import { EthersRmm, Position } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
async function getPoolPosition(pool: Pool, account: string): Promise<Position> {
return rmm.getPosition(pool, account).then(data => data)
Adjusting Positions
When allocating or removing liquidity, the arguments must match the respective interfaces, which live in the rmm-sdk:
export interface NativeOptions {
useNative?: NativeCurrency
export interface RecipientOptions {
recipient: string
export interface Deadline {
deadline?: BigNumber
export interface PermitTokens {
permitRisky?: PermitOptions
permitStable?: PermitOptions
export interface MarginOptions extends PermitTokens, RecipientOptions, NativeOptions {
amountRisky: Wei
amountStable: Wei
export interface LiquidityOptions {
delRisky: Wei
delStable: Wei
delLiquidity: Wei
export interface AllocateOptions extends PermitTokens, LiquidityOptions, RecipientOptions, NativeOptions, Deadline {
fromMargin: boolean
slippageTolerance: Percentage
createPool?: boolean
export interface RemoveOptions extends LiquidityOptions, RecipientOptions, NativeOptions, Deadline {
expectedRisky: Wei
expectedStable: Wei
toMargin: boolean
slippageTolerance: Percentage
🕳️ Allocating liquidity
import { Pool, AllocateOptions } from '@primitivefi/rmm-sdk'
import { EthersRmm, PositionAdjustmentDetails } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
async function onAllocate(rmm: EthersRmm, pool: Pool, options: AllocateOptions): Promise<PositionAdjustmentDetails> {
return rmm.allocate({ pool, options }).then(data => data)
💎 Removing liquidity
import { Pool, AllocateOptions } from '@primitivefi/rmm-sdk'
import { EthersRmm, PositionAdjustmentDetails } from '@primitivefi/rmm-ethers'
async function onRemove(rmm: EthersRmm, pool: Pool, options: RemoveOptions): Promise<PositionAdjustmentDetails> {
return rmm.remove({ pool, options }).then(data => data)
🧮 Usage locally
Before running any command, make sure to install dependencies:
yarn install
Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:
yarn compile
Run the Mocha tests:
yarn test
📃 Deploy RMM
Deploy the protocol to a network:
yarn deploy --network nameOfNetwork
This will call a hardhat task that deploys the RMM protocol contracts from a loaded signer and saves the addresses to /deployments
Here are the options for the deploy
(optional): Flag to attempt to use an Open Zeppelin Defender Relay Signer, if it exists in the hardhat.config.ts file.--channel
(optional): Directory name in /deployments/ to save the deployment to.--gasPrice
(optinal): Price to pay for gas.--testweth
(optional): Only for test networks, allows specifying a WETH9 address.
Deploy Primitive Engines - Pair contracts
yarn deploy:engine --network nameOfNetwork
This is a script that runs which requires two of the token addresses. Here is the script, which should be edited to suit the deployment needs:
import hre from 'hardhat'
import { Signer } from '@ethersproject/abstract-signer'
import { DefenderRelaySigner } from 'defender-relay-client/lib/ethers'
import { deployEngine } from '../utils/deployEngine'
type Signers = Signer | DefenderRelaySigner
export async function main() {
const signer: Signers = await hre.run('useSigner')
const rmm = await hre.connect(signer)
const chainId = rmm.connection.chainId
if (chainId === 1) throw new Error('Do not use this in prod!')
const risky = '0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab'
const stable = '0x522064c1EafFEd8617BE64137f66A71D6C5c9aA3'
await deployEngine(rmm, risky, stable)
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
🪞 Deploy RMM Pools Script
Warning: Currently failing for node versions above 14.7.4. Unresolved promises are not handled in the higher node versions, and instead the process is exited with a non-zero error code.
Work in progress: This script is still being improved! Consider it an alpha version.
Deploy pools in the config of the deploy-pools.ts
yarn deploy:pools --network nameOfNetwork
Creating RMM pools is a process that requires connecting to the protocol, fetching token metadata, and building the transaction's arguments. This script handles loading tokens from a saved pool deployment, located in /deployments/*/pools.json
All the logic executed by a hardhat script must exist in the script file. Here is an example:
import hre from 'hardhat'
import { EthersRmm } from 'src/EthersRmm'
import { deployPools } from 'utils/deployPools'
import { poolDeployer } from 'utils/poolDeployer'
export async function main() {
const signer: Signers = await hre.run('useSigner')
const from = await signer.getAddress()
const rmm = await hre.connect(signer)
const chainId = rmm.connection.chainId
if (chainId === 1) throw new Error('Do not use this in prod!')
const deployer = new PoolDeployer(chainId, POOL_DEPLOYMENTS_SAVE, POOL_CONFIG_TO_DEPLOY, rmm)
await deployPools(deployer)
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {
📌 Misc. Scripts
Generate documentation locally:
yarn docs
Deploy to a local ganache-cli instance:
yarn deploy:devnet
Delete a local deployment to ganache-cli:
yarn delete-dev-deployments
🛡️ Use with Open Zeppelin Defender Relays
The OZ Defender relayers are a safer way to execute transactions on-chain.
The hardhat.config.ts
is extended to include OZ defender relay API key and secret:
defender: {
[chainIds.rinkeby]: {
apiKey: RELAY_RINKEBY_API || '',
apiSecret: RELAY_RINKEBY_SECRET || '',
Adding this to the hardhat config will expose the relay signer through the task useSigner
This task is currently only used in the deployPools.ts
script, so pools can be deployed safely from the OZ defender relay.
🖋️ useSigner
If this subtask is run from task run with a --network
flag, and the network has an OZ relayer config in the hardhat config file, this task will return the Signer
object for the relayer. Else, useSigner will default to the ethers.getSigners()
. This subtask can be used in custom scripts so you can choose to use a relayer or a private key stored in .env
(optional): Index of the signer to use from ethers.getSigners()
⛑ Contribute
Feel free to suggest changes by opening a pull request, or posting an issue. There is a dedicated dev
channel in the Primitive discord.
Inspired by Liquity Ethers.