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Pulumi's Node.js SDK

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Package description

What is @pulumi/pulumi?

@pulumi/pulumi is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows developers to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, and C#. It integrates with various cloud providers and services, enabling users to create, update, and manage cloud resources programmatically.

What are @pulumi/pulumi's main functionalities?

Defining Cloud Infrastructure

This feature allows you to define cloud infrastructure using code. In this example, an S3 bucket is created using the AWS provider.

const pulumi = require('@pulumi/pulumi');
const aws = require('@pulumi/aws');

const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket('my-bucket');

exports.bucketName =;

Managing Infrastructure State

Pulumi manages the state of your infrastructure, allowing you to respond to changes. This example sets up an event handler for when a new object is created in the S3 bucket.

const pulumi = require('@pulumi/pulumi');
const aws = require('@pulumi/aws');

const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket('my-bucket');

bucket.onObjectCreated('onNewObject', async (event) => {
  console.log('New object created:', event);

Multi-Cloud Deployments

Pulumi supports multi-cloud deployments, allowing you to manage resources across different cloud providers. This example shows how to create an S3 bucket in AWS and a storage account in Azure.

const pulumi = require('@pulumi/pulumi');
const aws = require('@pulumi/aws');
const azure = require('@pulumi/azure');

const awsBucket = new aws.s3.Bucket('aws-bucket');
const azureStorageAccount = new'azure-storage', {
  resourceGroupName: 'my-resource-group',
  accountTier: 'Standard',
  accountReplicationType: 'LRS'

Other packages similar to @pulumi/pulumi



Pulumi Node.js SDK

The Pulumi Node.js SDK lets you write cloud programs in JavaScript.


Using npm:

$ npm install --save @pulumi/pulumi

Using yarn:

$ yarn add @pulumi/pulumi

This SDK is meant for use with the Pulumi CLI. Visit Pulumi's Download & Install to install the CLI.

Building and Testing

For anybody who wants to build from source, here is how you do it.


This SDK uses Node.js and we support any of the Current, Active and Maintenance LTS versions. We support both NPM and Yarn for package management.

At the moment, we only support building on macOS and Linux, where standard GNU tools like make are available.

Make Targets

To build the SDK, simply run make from the root directory (where this README lives, at sdk/nodejs/ from the repo's root). This will build the code, run tests, and install the package and its supporting artifacts.

At the moment, for local development, we install everything into $HOME/.dev-pulumi. You will want this on your $PATH.

The tests will verify that everything works, but feel free to try running pulumi preview and/or pulumi up from the examples/minimal/ directory. Remember to run tsc first, since pulumi expects JavaScript, not TypeScript.


Package last updated on 06 Jun 2024

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