Phoenix components
Our aim is to build a simple React components library using styled components and typescript.
3rd party libraries
Phoenix Components takes advantage of some 3rd party libraries and provides consistent styling for them.
for the Selectbox componentreact-window
for the Selectbox componentreact-dropzone
for the FileUpload componentreact-pdf
for the FileUpload componentreact-icons
for the FileUpload, Input, SelectBox, and SelectPicker componentsfloating-label-react
for the Input and TextArea components
Phoenix components storybook
npm i @purple/phoenix-components
Include Roboto font into repository
Import components
import { Input } from "@purple/phoenix-components"
To a certain degree, many of the components can be extended with styled-components
For example:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { Input } from '@purple/phoenix-components'
const StyledInput = styled(Input)`
// css overrides here
But in most cases, you probably just want to change the theme. This can be done by wrapping your
app in a ThemeProvider
component from the styled-components
The theme must conform to a certain shape for this library to recognize the key names. Please
refer to src/theme.tsx
to see the shape. If you do not provide your own theme, this library
will use the theme in src/theme.tsx