QualWeb core
How to install
$ npm i @qualweb/core --save
How to run
'use strict';
const { evaluate, generateEarlReport } = require('@qualweb/core');
(async () => {
const options = {
url: 'https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/'
const reports = await evaluate(options);
const earlOptions = {
const earlReports = await generateEarlReport(earlOptions);
The available options fot the evaluate() function are:
"url": "https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/", // url to evaluate
"urls": ["https://act-rules.github.io/pages/about/", "https://act-rules.github.io/rules/"], // Array of urls
"file": "/path/to/file/with/urls", // urls must be separacted by a newline (\n)
"crawl": "https://act-rules.github.io", // Experimental feature - domain to crawl and obtain the urls
"viewport": {
"mobile": false, // default value = false
"landscape": true, // default value = viewPort.width > viewPort.height
"userAgent": "custom user agent", // default value for desktop = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0', default value for mobile = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; DROID2 GLOBAL Build/S273) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1'
"resolution": {
"width": 1920, // default value for desktop = 1366, default valuet for mobile = 1080
"height": 1080 // default value for desktop = 768, default valuet for mobile = 1920
"maxParallelEvaluations": "5", // Experimental feature - performs several urls evaluations at the same time - the higher the number given, more resources will be used
"execute": { // choose which modules to execute
"wappalyzer": false, // wappalyzer module (https://github.com/qualweb/wappalyzer) - default value = false
"act": true, // act-rules module (https://github.com/qualweb/act-rules) - default value = true
"html": true, // html-techniques module (https://github.com/qualweb/html-techniques) - default value = true
"css": false, // css-rules module (https://github.com/qualweb/css-techniques) - default value = true
"bp": false // best-practices module (https://github.com/qualweb/best-practices) - default value = true
"act-rules": { // More information about this options at https://github.com/qualweb/act-rules
"rules": ["QW-ACT-R1", "b5c3f8"], // Array of rules to execute, can be passed the QualWeb Rule ID or the ACT Rule ID
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"], // Conformance levels to execute,
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"] // Principles to execute
"html-techniques": { // More information about this options at https://github.com/qualweb/html-techniques
"rules": ["QW-HTML-T1", "H39"], // Array of techniques to execute, can be passed the QualWeb Technique ID or the WCAG 2.1 Technique Code
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"], // Conformance levels to execute,
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"] // Principles to execute
"css-techniques": { // More information about this options at https://github.com/qualweb/css-techniques
"rules": ["QW-CSS-RT", "C19"], // Array of techniques to execute, can be passed the QualWeb Technique ID or the WCAG 2.1 Technique Code
"levels": ["A", "AA", "AAA"], // Conformance levels to execute,
"principles": ["Perceivable", "Operable", "Understandable", "Robust"] // Principles to execute
"best-practices": { // More information about this options at https://github.com/qualweb/best-practices
"bestPractices": ["QW-BP1", "QW-BP2"] // Array of best practices to execute
The available options fot the generateEarlReport() function are:
"aggregated": true, // default value = false
"aggregatedName": "websites.json", // The name to save the aggregated earl reports. default value = first url of the list
"modules": { // Choose which modules to convert the report to earl, by default all modules are converted if they were executed
"act": true, // default value = true
"html": false, // default value = true
"css": false, // default value = true
"best-practices": false // default value = true
} // If the "modules" value is given, any missing module value missing it's automatically set to false
Implemente ACT rules
QualWeb Rule ID | ACT Rule ID | ACT Rule Name |
QW-ACT-R1 | 2779a5 | HTML Page has a title |
QW-ACT-R2 | b5c3f8 | HTML has lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R3 | 5b7ae0 | HTML lang and xml:lang match |
QW-ACT-R4 | bc659a | Meta-refresh no delay |
QW-ACT-R5 | bf051a | Validity of HTML Lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R6 | 59796f | Image button has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R7 | b33eff | Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transform property |
QW-ACT-R8 | 9eb3f6 | Image filename is accessible name for image |
QW-ACT-R11 | 97a4e1 | Button has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R12 | c487ae | Link has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R13 | 6cfa84 | Element with aria-hidden has no focusable content |
QW-ACT-R14 | b4f0c3 | meta viewport does not prevent zoom |
QW-ACT-R15 | 80f0bf | audio or video has no audio that plays automatically |
QW-ACT-R16 | e086e5 | Form control has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R17 | 23a2a8 | Image has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R18 | 3ea0c8 | id attribute value is unique |
QW-ACT-R19 | cae760 | iframe element has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R20 | 674b10 | role attribute has valid value |
QW-ACT-R21 | 7d6734 | svg element with explicit role has accessible name |
QW-ACT-R22 | de46e4 | Element within body has valid lang attribute |
QW-ACT-R23 | c5a4ea | video element visual content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R24 | 73f2c2 | autocomplete attribute has valid value |
QW-ACT-R25 | 5c01ea | ARIA state or property is permitted |
QW-ACT-R26 | eac66b | video element auditory content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R27 | 5f99a7 | This rule checks that each aria- attribute specified is defined in ARIA 1.1. |
QW-ACT-R28 | 4e8ab6 | Element with role attribute has required states and properties |
QW-ACT-R29 | e7aa44 | Audio element content has text alternative |
QW-ACT-R30 | 2ee8b8 | Visible label is part of accessible name |
QW-ACT-R31 | c3232f | Video element visual-only content has accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R32 | 1ec09b | video element visual content has strict accessible alternative |
QW-ACT-R33 | ff89c9 | ARIA required context role |
QW-ACT-R34 | 6a7281 | ARIA state or property has valid value |
QW-ACT-R35 | ffd0e9 | Heading has accessible name |