Icy NFT hooks
This is a react hook library that serves as a wrapper to the icy.tools GraphQL API.
Install the @quicknode/icy-nft-hooks package from npm
yarn add @quicknode/icy-nft-hooks
npm install @quicknode/icy-nft-hooks
Start by wrapping your app in the IcyProvider
import { IcyProvider } from '@quicknode/icy-nft-hooks';
function App() {
return (
Passing an apiKey to the provider is initially optional, without it you'll be heavily rate limited and it is only meant for test driving our services. When you are ready to, you can sign up and get your apiKey from the icy.tools Developer Website). Then you can forward it to the provider like:
import { IcyProvider } from '@quicknode/icy-nft-hooks';
function App() {
return (
<IcyProvider apiKey={NFT_API_KEY}>
Once done, just use any hook anywhere in your application.
import { useWalletNFTs } from '@quicknode/icy-nft-hooks';
function WalletComponent({ ensName }: { ensName: string }) {
const { nfts } = useWalletNFTs({ ensName });
return (
{nfts.map((nft) => (
<img src={nft.images[0].url} />
API Reference
Shared types
export interface PageInfo {
hasNextPage: boolean;
endCursor: string | null;
export interface PaginationArgs {
first?: number;
after?: string;
const { nfts, loading, isSearchValid } = useWalletNFTs({
address: '0x....',
ensName: 'vitalk.eth',
nfts: NFT[]
The list of NFTs belonging to a given wallet
interface NFT {
tokenId: string;
contract: {
address: string;
symbol: string;
name: string;
images: {
url: string;
loading: boolean
The loading state of the query
isSearchValid: boolean
Returns true if a valid 42 char ethereum address or a valid ENS name is provided. Query will skip unless this field is true in order to preserve rate limits.
pageInfo: PageInfo
Used for pagination. Type declared above.
const { collections, pageInfo } = useTrendingCollections({
orderBy: 'SALES',
orderDirection: 'DESC',
timePeriod: TrendingCollectionsTimePeriod.ONE_HOUR,
first: 5,
after: cursor
args: Args
export interface TrendingCollectionsQueryVariables extends PaginationArgs {
orderBy: 'SALES' | 'AVERAGE' | 'VOLUME';
orderDirection: 'DESC' | 'ASC';
timePeriod?: TrendingCollectionsTimePeriod;
export enum TrendingCollectionsTimePeriod {
collections: Collection[]
The list of NFTs belonging to a given wallet
export interface Collection {
address: string;
name: string;
stats: {
totalSales: number;
average: number;
ceiling: number;
floor: number;
volume: number;
symbol: number;
loading: boolean
The loading state of the query
pageInfo: PageInfo
Used for pagination. Type declared above.
const { owner, loading } = useNFTOwner({
ensName: 'mevcollector.eth',
owner: Owner | null
The list of NFTs belonging to a given wallet
interface Owner {
address: string;
ensName: string | null;
loading: boolean
The loading state of the query
const { collections, pageInfo } = useCollection({
contractAddress: '0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D',
includeStats: true,
collection: Collection | null
The list of NFTs belonging to a given wallet
export interface Collection {
address: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
unsafeOpenseaBannerImageUrl: string | null;
unsafeOpenseaImageUrl: string | null;
unsafeOpenseaSlug: string | null;
export interface CollectionWithStats extends Collection {
stats: {
average: number | null;
ceiling: number | null;
floor: number | null;
totalSales: number;
volume: number;
loading: boolean
The loading state of the query