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Goal was to create universal structure for storing variables with watcher and validator.
npm install @randajan/jet-base
yarn add @randajan/jet-base
import Base from "@randajan/jet-base";
const base = new Base(true);
function that simply assign values. For rewrite whole structure it can be used with object as first argument:
base.set({a:1, b:2, c:3, d:{x:123}});
or first argument could be path, and second argument value:
base.set("a", 1);
base.set("b", 2);
base.set("c", 3);
base.set("d.x", 123);
result will be the same.
accessing stored values first argument could be path
base.get("d") == {x:123};
base.get("d.x") === 123;
result is everytime a deep copy.
Is / IsType / IsFull
simple comparing
base.is("d.x", 123) === true;
base.isType("d.x", "Number") === true;
base.isFulll("d.y") === false;
validator of value with middleware iterator. Also accept path as first argument
base.fit("a", (next, value, valueBefore)=>next(value > 0 ? 0 : value));
after defining new validator base will reprocess last input.
run me when variable under path has changed
base.watch("a", (get, changes)=>console.log(get()));
after any change at desired path will be called this function. Passing two arguments. Both are functions. get() will return value at same path and changes() will return list of sub changes;
MIT © randajan