--release | Specifies a Release build | [boolean] |
--root | Override the root directory for the windows build which contains the windows folder. (default: "E:\test63") | [string] |
--arch | The build architecture (ARM64, x86, x64). defaults to system architecture | [string] |
--singleproc | Disables multi-proc build | [boolean] |
--emulator | Deploys the app to an emulator | [boolean] |
--device | Deploys the app to a connected device | [boolean] |
--target | Deploys the app to the specified GUID for a device | [string] |
--remote-debugging | Deploys the app in remote debugging mode. | [boolean] |
--logging | Enables logging | [boolean] |
--no-packager | Do not launch packager while building | [boolean] |
--bundle | Enable Bundle configuration and it would be ReleaseBundle/DebugBundle other than Release/Debug | [boolean] |
--no-launch | Do not launch the app after deployment | [boolean] |
--no-autolink | Do not run autolinking | [boolean] |
--no-build | Do not build the solution | [boolean] |
--no-deploy | Do not deploy the app | [boolean] |
--deploy-from-layout | Force deploy from layout, even in release builds | [boolean] |
--sln | Override the app solution file determined by 'react-native config', e.g. windows\myApp.sln | [string] |
--proj | Override the app project file determined by 'react-native config', e.g. windows\myApp\myApp.vcxproj | [string] |
--msbuildprops | Comma separated props to pass to MSBuild, eg: prop1=value1,prop2=value2 | [string] |
--buildLogDirectory | Optional directory where MSBuild log files should be stored | [string] |
--info | Dump environment information | [boolean] |
--direct-debugging | Enable direct debugging on specified port | [number] |
--useWinUI3 | Targets WinUI 3.0 (Preview) instead of UWP XAML. | [boolean] |
--useHermes | Use Hermes instead of Chakra as the JS engine (supported on 0.64+) | [boolean] |
--no-telemetry | Disables sending telemetry that allows analysis of usage and failures of the react-native-windows CLI | [boolean] |
-h , --help | output usage information | [boolean] |