Strapi PDF Creator Plugin
Easily generate PDF documents from your Strapi CMS content.
This plugin will allow you to download a generated PDF file from the Admin panel, or to generate a PDF file programmatically using your own logic.
PDF generation using PDF-Lib.
- Generate PDF buttons only appears on edit views.
- Single types content and plugin content are not supported.
- Currently only Super Admin role users can use the logic using the UI.
⚠️ Compatibility with Strapi versions
This plugin was developed for the 5.X Strapi version.
It has not been tested with the 4.X version. Use it at your own risk.
⚙️ Installation
To install the Strapi PDF Creator Plugin, simply run one of the following command:
npm install @redon2inc/strapi-plugin-pdf-creator
yarn add @redon2inc/strapi-plugin-pdf-creator
add the following to your config/plugin.ts
'strapi-plugin-pdf-creator': {
enabled: true,
config: {
fields: [ 'date' ],
options: {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric'
Template requirements
- The PDF template's form field names must match the names as the collection type. Only matching names will be used to populate the files.
- PDF TextFields use Text type fields.
- PDF Buttons will be replaced with Media type fields. This only when PDFs are flattened.
- PDF Checkboxes use Boolean type fields.
- RadioGroups, OptionLists, Dropdowns fields use Enumeration type fields.
Admin panel
The following must be enabled so a user can generate files:
- Inside Role editor, find the pdf plugin and allow role to generate document.
- The users' role must have access to view content
. - By default super admins will be able to generate files.
Once the first template is created and assigned to a collection type, the admin can navigate to an entry and a PDF button should appear on the right side menu.
Check Examples for more details.
Create PDF programmatically
You can call the PDF template service from within your code:
const templateBytes = fs.readFileSync('locationOfYourTemplate');
const docData = {
name : 'Mario',
enabled: true,
const templateName = 'Title of Document';
const flattenDocument = true;
const documentBytes = await strapi
templateName ,
} catch (err){
strapi.log.debug('📺: ', err);
Enjoy 🎉
- Allow other fonts
- Beautify date fields.
- Settings function to validate template against schema.
👍 Contribute
- Add a GitHub Star to the project.
🧾 License
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.