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Enhancers for integrating redux-dynostore with redux-subspace.
This enhancer is similar to the base attachReducer
enhancer, except the reducer is namespaced with the dynamic
component's identifier:
import dynamic from '@redux-dynostore/react-redux'
import subspaced from '@redux-dynostore/react-redux-subspace'
import { attachReducer } from '@redux-dynostore/redux-subspace'
export default dynamic('identifier', subspaced(), attachReducer(myReducer))(MyComponent)
The same options can also be provided.
This enhancer is similar to the base dispatchAction
enhancer, except the action is namespaces with the dynamic
component's identifier:
import dynamic from '@redux-dynostore/react-redux'
import subspaced from '@redux-dynostore/react-redux-subspace'
import { dispatchAction } from '@redux-dynostore/redux-subspace'
export default dynamic('identifier', subspaced(), dispatchAction({ type: 'MY_ACTION' }))(MyComponent)