Menus display a list of choices on a transient sheet of material.
You can compose a menu with the given components, and manually manage the open state. Menu
expects MenuItems as children while MenuSurface
is a generic container which can have anything as a child.
import { Menu, MenuItem, MenuSurface, MenuSurfaceAnchor } from '@rmwc/menu';
import { ListDivider } from '@rmwc/list';
import { Button } from '@rmwc/button';
onSelect={evt => console.log(evt.detail.index)}
onClose={evt => this.setState({menuIsOpen: false})}
{/** MenuItem is just a ListItem, so you can intermingle other List components */}
<ListDivider />
onClick={evt => this.setState({'menuIsOpen': !this.state.menuIsOpen})}
Open Menu
onClose={evt => this.setState({genericMenuIsOpen: false})}
<div style={{padding: '1rem', width: '8rem'}}>Make the content whatever you want.</div>
onClick={evt => this.setState({genericMenuIsOpen: !this.state.genericMenuIsOpen})}
Open Generic Menu
Simplified usage
RMWC provides a non-standard convenience SimpleMenu
component that takes a handle as a prop, and manages the open state for you.
import { SimpleMenu, SimpleMenuSurface, MenuItem } from '@rmwc/menu';
import { Button } from '@rmwc/button';
handle={ <Button raised>Open Simple Menu</Button> }
handle={ <Button raised>Open Simple Menu Surface</Button> }
<div style={{padding: '1rem', width: '8rem'}}>Make the content whatever you want.</div>
By default, Menus will attempt to automatically position themselves, but this behavior can be overriden by setting the anchorCorner
import { MenuSurface, MenuSurfaceAnchor } from '@rmwc/menu';
import { Select } from '@rmwc/select';
import { Button } from '@rmwc/button';
anchorCorner={this.state.anchorValue || 'topLeft'}
<div style={{padding: '1rem', width: '8rem'}}>
anchorCorner: {this.state.anchorValue || 'topLeft'}
onClick={evt => this.setState({anchorMenuOpen: !this.state.anchorMenuOpen})}
Open Anchored Menu
value={this.state.anchorValue || 'topLeft'}
onChange={evt => this.setState({anchorValue: evt.currentTarget.value})}
]} />
import { Docs } from '@rmwc/base/utils/document-component';
import * as docs from './docgen.json';
<Docs src={docs} components={[
]} />