Command-line interface for working with packages in your repo.
Bundle a Package
Bundle a package using Metro. The bundling
process uses optional
parameters and command-line overrides.
The command react-native rnx-bundle
is meant to be a drop-in replacement for
react-native bundle
. If rnx-bundle
ever becomes widely accepted, we will
work on upstreaming it to @react-native-community/cli
, along with supporting
libraries for package configuration and Metro plugins.
Example Commands
yarn react-native rnx-bundle
yarn react-native rnx-bundle --entry-file src/index.ts --bundle-output main.jsbundle --platform ios --dev false --minify true
Example Configuration (Optional)
"rnx-kit": {
"bundle": {
"entryFile": "entry.js",
"assetsDest": "dist",
"detectCyclicDependencies": true,
"detectDuplicateDependencies": {
"ignoredModules": ["react-is"]
"typescriptValidation": true,
"targets": ["ios", "android", "windows", "macos"],
"platforms": {
"android": {
"assetsDest": "dist/res"
"macos": {
"typescriptValidation": false
Bundle Defaults
When certain parameters aren't specified in configuration or on the
command-line, they are explicitly set to default values.
Parameter | Default Value |
entryFile | "index.js" |
bundleOutput | "index.<platform >.bundle" (Windows, Android), or "index.<platform >.jsbundle" (iOS, MacOS) |
detectCyclicDependencies | true |
detectDuplicateDependencies | true |
typescriptValidation | true |
treeShake | false |
Other parameters have implicit defaults, buried deep in Metro or its
Command-Line Overrides
Override | Description |
--id [id] | Target bundle definition. This is only needed when the rnx-kit configuration has multiple bundle definitions. |
--entry-file [file] | Path to the root JavaScript or TypeScript file, either absolute or relative to the package. |
--platform [ios | android | windows | win32 | macos ] | Target platform. When not given, all platforms in the rnx-kit configuration are bundled. |
--dev [boolean] | If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified (default: true). |
--minify [boolean] | Controls whether or not the bundle is minified. Disabling minification is useful for test builds. |
--bundle-output [path] | Path to the output bundle file, either absolute or relative to the package. |
--bundle-encoding [utf8 | utf16le | ascii ] | Character encoding to use when writing the bundle file. |
--max-workers [number] | Specifies the maximum number of parallel worker threads to use for transforming files. This defaults to the number of cores available on your machine. |
--sourcemap-output [string] | Path where the bundle source map is written, either absolute or relative to the package. |
--sourcemap-sources-root [string] | Path to use when relativizing file entries in the bundle source map. |
--assets-dest [path] | Path where bundle assets like images are written, either absolute or relative to the package. If not given, assets are ignored. |
--tree-shake [boolean] | Enable tree shaking to remove unused code and reduce the bundle size. |
--reset-cache | Reset the Metro cache. |
--config [string] | Path to the Metro configuration file. |
-h, --help | Show usage information. |
Start a Bundle Server
Start a bundle server for a package using
Metro. The bundle server uses optional
parameters and command-line overrides.
The command react-native rnx-start
is meant to be a drop-in replacement for
react-native start
. If rnx-start
ever becomes widely accepted, we will work
on upstreaming it to @react-native-community/cli
, along with supporting
libraries for package configuration and Metro plugins.
Example Commands
yarn react-native rnx-start
yarn react-native rnx-start --host localhost --port 8812
Example Configuration
"rnx-kit": {
"server": {
"projectRoot": "src",
"detectCyclicDependencies": true,
"detectDuplicateDependencies": {
"ignoredModules": ["react-is"],
"throwOnError": false
"typescriptValidation": true,
"treeShake": true
Server Defaults
If the server configuration is not defined, it is implicitly created at runtime
from the bundle configuration (or its defaults).
Command-Line Overrides
Override | Description |
--port [number] | Host port to use when listening for incoming server requests. |
--host [string] | Host name or address to bind when listening for incoming server requests. When not given, requests from all addresses are accepted. |
--projectRoot [path] | Path to the root of your react-native project. The bundle server uses this root path to resolve all web requests. |
--watchFolders [paths] | Additional folders which will be added to the file-watch list. Comma-separated. By default, Metro watches all project files. |
--assetPlugins [list] | Additional asset plugins to be used by the Metro Babel transformer. Comma-separated list containing plugin module names or absolute paths to plugin packages. |
--sourceExts [list] | Additional source-file extensions to include when generating bundles. Comma-separated list, excluding the leading dot. |
--max-workers [number] | Specifies the maximum number of parallel worker threads to use for transforming files. This defaults to the number of cores available on your machine. |
--reset-cache | Reset the Metro cache. |
--custom-log-reporter-path [string] | Path to a JavaScript file which exports a Metro TerminalReporter function. This replaces the default reporter, which writes all messages to the Metro console. |
--https | Use a secure (https) web server. When not specified, an insecure (http) web server is used. |
--key [path] | Path to a custom SSL private key file to use for secure (https) communication. |
--cert [path] | Path to a custom SSL certificate file to use for secure (https) communication. |
--config [string] | Path to the Metro configuration file. |
--no-interactive | Disables interactive mode. |
Manage Dependencies
Manage your package's dependencies.
$ yarn react-native rnx-dep-check [options] [/path/to/package.json]
Refer to
for details.
Generate a Third-Party Notice for a Package
Generate a 3rd-party notice, which is an aggregation of all the LICENSE files
from your package's dependencies.
NOTE: A 3rd-party notice is a legal document. You are solely responsble
for its content, even if you use @rnx-kit
to assist you in generating it.
You should consult with an attorney to ensure your notice meets all legal
$ yarn react-native rnx-write-third-party-notices [options]
Option | Description |
--root-path [path] | The root of the repo. This is the starting point for finding each module in the source map dependency graph. |
--source-map-file [file] | The source map file associated with the package's entry file. This source map eventually leads to all package dependencies and their licenses. |
--json | Format the 3rd-party notice file as JSON instead of text. |
--output-file [file] | The path to use when writing the 3rd-party notice file. |
--ignore-scopes [string] | Comma-separated list of npm scopes to ignore when traversing the source map dependency graph. |
--ignore-modules [string] | Comma-separated list of modules to ignore when traversing the source map dependency graph. |
--preamble-text [string] | A string to prepend to the start of the 3rd-party notice. |
--additional-text [path] | A string to append to the end of the 3rd-party notice. |
Clean a React Native Project
Cleans your project by removing React Native related caches and modules.
$ yarn react-native rnx-clean [options]
Option | Description |
--include [string] | Comma-separated flag of caches to clear e.g npm,yarn . When not specified , only non-platform specific caches are cleared. [android,cocoapods,npm,metro,watchman,yarn] |
--project-root [path] | Root path to your React Native project. When not specified, defaults to current working directory |