Bugsnag Plugin for Backstage
Rate Limit
Since Bugsnag has a policy around API rate limits (https://bugsnagapiv2.docs.apiary.io/#introduction/rate-limiting), we are not displaying error trends in the table. However, you can visit error details page in Bugsnag for more details, including error trend.
- Bugsnag plugin errors overview tab.
How to add bugsnag project dependency to Backstage app:
If you have your own backstage application without this plugin, here it's how to add it:
- Install the plugin inside
cd packages/app
yarn add @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-bugsnag
- In the
file in the root directory, add bugsnag to the proxy object:
target: 'https://api.bugsnag.com'
Authorization: 'token ${BUGSNAG_PERSONAL_TOKEN}'
X-version: '2'
Define number of results fetched per request (this is optional and if ommited it will be set to default value of 30). This will be used as a 'per_page' parameter (https://bugsnagapiv2.docs.apiary.io/#introduction/rate-limiting).
resultsPerPage: <number>
- Add plugin to your Backstage instance:
import { EntityBugsnagErrorsOverviewTable } from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-bugsnag';
const serviceEntityPage = (
<EntityBugsnagErrorsOverviewTable />
- Run backstage app with
yarn start
and navigate to services tabs.
How to use Bugsnag plugin in Backstage:
- Add annotations to the yaml config file of a component:
bugsnag.com/project-key: <organization-name>/<project-name>
Note that you must use the full names, not the slugs.
These values can be found in Bugsnag settings dashboard, under organization and project settings.
Add your Bugsnag personal auth token to the environment variables of your backstage backend server (you can find it in https://app.bugsnag.com/settings/{organizationaname}/my-account/auth-tokens), in the form of the word 'token' followed by your token. So it should look like this:
BUGSNAG_PERSONAL_TOKEN="token <your-api-key>"
Roadie gives you a hassle-free, fully customisable SaaS Backstage. Find out more here: https://roadie.io.