🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for Node.js and Browsers, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME
Greenlock™ is the easiest way to integrate Let's Encrypt into your projects, products, and infrastructure.
We've built it simple enough for Hobbyists, and robust enough for the Enterprise.
JavaScript Library
Greenlock API (shared among JS implementations)
var gl = Greenlock.create({
staging: true,
maintainerEmail: 'jon@example.com',
maintainerUpdates: true,
subscriberEmail: 'jon@example.com',
agreeToTerms: true
Parameter | Description |
servername | the default servername to use for non-sni requests (many IoT clients) |
maintainerEmail | the developer contact for critical bug and security notifications |
maintainerUpdates | (default: false) receive occasional non-critical notifications |
maintainerPackage | if you publish your package for others to use, require('./package.json').name here |
maintainerPackageVersion | if you publish your package for others to use, require('./package.json').version here |
subscriberEmail | the contact who agrees to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement and the Greenlock Terms of Service this contact receives renewal failure notifications |
agreeToTerms | (default: false) either 'true' or a function that presents the Terms of Service and returns it once accepted |
store | override the default storage module |
store.module | the name of your storage module |
store.xxxx | options specific to your storage module |
challenges['http-01'] | provide an http-01 challenge module |
challenges['dns-01'] | provide a dns-01 challenge module |
challenges['tls-alpn-01'] | provide a tls-alpn-01 challenge module |
challenges[type].module | the name of your challenge module |
challenges[type].xxxx | module-specific options |
Add Approved Domains
subject: 'example.com',
altnames: ['example.com', 'www.example.com', 'exampleapi.com']
Parameter | Description |
subject | the first domain on, and identifier of the certificate |
altnames | first domain, plus additional domains note: the order should always be the same |
subscriberEmail | if different from the default (i.e. multi-tenant, whitelabel) |
agreeToTerms | if subscriber is different from the default |
Issue and Renew Certificates
This will renew only domains that have reached their renewAt
or are within the befault renewOffset
return greenlock
.then(function(pems) {
.then(function(results) {
results.forEach(function(site) {
if (site.error) {
console.error(site.subject, site.error);
Parameter | Type | Description |
(optional) | - | ALL parameters are optional, but some should be paired |
force | bool | force silly options, such as tiny durations |
duplicate | bool | force the domain to renew, regardless of age or expiration |
Note: only previous approved domains (via gl.add()
) may be renewed
Note: this will NOT throw an error. It will return an array of certifates or errors.
npm install --save @root/greenlock
npm install --save greenlock-manager-fs
npm install --save greenlock-store-fs
npm install --save acme-http-01-standalone
HTTP-01 & DNS-01 Integrations
For Public Web Servers running on a VPS, the default HTTP-01 challenge plugin
will work just fine for most people.
However, for
- Wildcard Certificates
- IoT Environments
- Enterprise On-Prem
- Private Networks
Greenlock provides an easy way to integrate Let's Encrypt with your existing services
through a variety of DNS-01 infrastructure
Typically file propagation is faster and more reliably than DNS propagation.
Therefore, http-01 will be preferred to dns-01 except when wildcards or private domains are in use.
http-01 will only be supplied as a defaut if no other challenge is provided.
You can use ACME (Let's Encrypt) with